Holographic imaging

Hi folks, is the so called holographic imaging with many tube amplifiers an artifact? With solid state one only hears "holographic imaging" if that is in the recording, but with many tube amps you can hear it all the time. So solid state fails in this department? Or are those tube amps not telling the truth?


Showing 7 responses by musicnoise

Doppler effect ? What is moving ? Were the instruments and musicians on wheels during the recording or were the mikes? Of is it during the playback - I picture speakers on motorized wheels careening first toward the listener and then shifting into reverse.
The problem with the amplifier doppler shift theory is that it hinges on a redefinition of the term "doppler shift." At least in science, terms have precise meanings, almost always defined mathematically. Redefining the terms renders the terms meaningless.

The doppler shift refers to a shift in the frequency of a wave due to relative motion between the receiver (the person or the recoding medium in this case) and the source of the wave. The electrical signal traveling through the amplifier cannot have a doppler shift with respect to the receiver because the person is not a receiver for the electrical wave. The person only becomes the receiver when the signal is the sound wave. Whatever happens inside the amplifier has nothing to do with doppler shift.

The original proffered argument for doppler shift in audio equipment was that the motion of the microphone transducer or the speaker driver relative to the sound source wave source or sound wave receiver, respectively, caused a doppler shift. This is also untenable because it falls outside the accepted scientific definition for doppler shift. The source of the wave and the reciever of the wave are independent of the existence of the wave in the definition. The motion of the speaker driver creates the sound wave; the motion is the source. Hence, there can be no doppler shift resulting from that motion because the wave does not exist without the motion. The same thing is true on the microphone end. The motion of the transducer creates the electrical wave. So there is no doppler shift resulting from that motion, by definition.

The receiver has to be able to receive the signal whose source is in motion relative to the receiver. If not, there is not a doppler shift.
Roger paul: There is no confusion. What you initially described is not doppler shift and your analogy and most recent explanation is contrived, at best. You are not describing doppler shift. My suspicion is that this adherence to an obviously incorrect series of statements involves a profit or justification for a purchase. The explanations are so far from the truth that there must be some motivation.
Tvad: Thanks for the heads up. I had not noticed that he was selling wares connected with his theories. Certainly explains the explanations.
Surely this is a matter of the emperor's new clothes. That was my point with the doppler shift argument. Another classic example of taking a scientifically established effect and then either playing with the definition, as in this case, or taking it out of the range where it makes a difference.

One must remember, the burden always lies with the party asserting that some effect exists, not with those that say it does not. For effects that exist, proof is possible and done with emperical data coupled with mathematically expressed explanations ( not just reference to mathematical terms - which is more of the same), with no leaps of logic or 'filling in the gaps.' And if the effect exists, it will be published in peer reviewed literature (i.e. peers being scientists and engineers in the field and without a pecuniary interest in whether the effect exists or not, not other dealers in audio gear or others whose sole credential is designing audio equipment). Expect to find explanations in, for example, IEEE journals or journals of that caliber and peer review in the applicable scientific field.

When a scientific term with an exact meaning is applied in a manner that steps outside the accepted scientific definition of the term, one need not go any further. This is a sure sign that there is nothing to argue about. It in essence proves the invalidity of any further proffered explanations in support of the theory. All future explanations are built on a stack of cards that has been toppled.
Newbee: nice rational statement. By the way, I noticed on your system page that you don't list your cables, cable lifters, power cord, outlets, or interconnects. Does this provide a window into your views on the great necessity of spending thousands of dollars on these items? By the way, I have Home Depot stock outlets, the power cords that came with my equipment, and Belden wire making up my cables. I have no cable lifters to keep the speaker wire off the floor although I am seeking to hire some if they work cheap and don't need health benefits.
Ah - the rationale shifts. Last time I looked it was about physics - i.e. doppler shift. Now we have moved up in alphabetical order to physiology - how humans percieve sound due to the structure bilateral nature of our ears. What a compelling argument. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.