Help me in the right direction, new speakers


I am a Swedish musiclover and love to read up on this forum. Please excuse my english.

I have just placed an order for Modwright Transporter and will use it as a source of music (FLAC).

What I am looking for in a pair of speakers is:

* It must be able to play _all_ type of music. Some
speakers sounds excellent with classical, but are
horriable with "The Prodigy" for example.

* I want to _feel_ the music: the speakers should deliever
emotions (SF Cremona was excellent at this). I
cherish "musicallity" more than razorsharp details. I
never heard a speaker with both skills, so...

* Dynamics!!


I donĀ“t like cold and analytical sound :)

My limit is around $8000

My room is 215ft2 (20m2)


Showing 1 response by mrjstark

The most important question is:
What is your choice for amplification and how flexible are you when it comes to speakers setup? (distance from the walls etc.)
It would also help if you could share with us the examples of speakers that really impressed you in the past?
Another suggestion would be to buy American for the obvious reasones. Also products with good resell value should be at least concidered if you change your mind and move on to something more to your ever changing taste and preferances.