Hegel Mohican vs. Bryston BCD-3

If anyone were looking for a single-box CD-player that qualified as a get-off-the-roundabout component, it seems to me that these two models would be high on their shortlist.  So my question is:

Has anybody been able to hear these two models side by side?


Showing 2 responses by goldenear1948

All posters and dealers: please refrain from the phrase “ dying medium”. It insults all of us. Only car salesmen and other hustlers put a spin on something they wish you to drop and buy their new stuff and PRETEND they are just being helpful... Oh please !!
This is a hobbyist website and let’s keep it that way. If I want to play cds, still enjoy darkroom photography etc. then I will do so... I have been following Audiogon for over 15 years. It used to be a great gathering place for us until the hustlers and the trolls ruined it.