HEGEL - Is it really made in Norway ?

Not unlike Ayon, where it is just printed "Austria" and not "Made in Austria" (the usual and official terminology), are HEGEL products actually made and assembled in Norway or just "designed" in Norway and assembled somewhere in China?

I have tried getting a clear-cut answer from dealers with no success. Juste like for Ayon gear by the way.

Thanks if you can help.

Showing 3 responses by czarivey

I know sometimes national minorities or foreigners trying to disguise their nationality or religion to avoid discrimination or being killed. Same thing companies try to disguise their products made in PRC. It's not about built quality in China what it could be bad or good It's more about heritage and past.
Why not EVERYONE move their business to China?
BMW, Chevy and all GM and whole rest of motor city (almost there LOL), Caterpillar, Smith and Wesson, Krell, Pass Labs, Manley, whatever.
Slave labor is cheap so we can all have our products much cheaper and be much happier right?
Anyone has problems with that?
This thread seems like ignorance contest 

After all and all all of all, It doesn't matter where it's made, it only matter how it's made. It also matter where it's not made whatever it is. Bare in mind that if it's made elsewhere and not in your home land, elsewhere gets revenues while your homeland doesn't.