Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!

Yes indeed.  Several years ago, the absolutely incredible Revel Salon 2 speakers finally took me off the speaker merry-go-round.  I do believe that I'll be taking my Revel Salon 2 speakers to the grave with me.  What's your end-game speakers?


Showing 1 response by jonwolfpell

Like many year, I’ve owned & enjoyed many different speakers over a long period of time. Like a few others here, I’m now really enjoying the Volti Audio Rivals. They effortlessly sound more like live music than any other speaker I can afford & they don’t require high powered heroic amplification like many other speakers to play loudly & sound great at the same time.  

I’ve heard several of the fine speakers mentioned that sound tight, clean, detailed etc but for myself, sound more like good hifi than live music is my standard of excellence & what pleases me. Check them out if this is what you like too.