Guttenberg's Cornwall IV Review -- I'm in trouble

He directly compares the Cornwall IV to the Forte III (which I own).  This is dangerous for me because his points on the differences between the C-wall and Forte hit home.  

I'm calling the credit cards telling them any purchase involving audio in the next 60 days should be flagged as fraudulent! That should stop me, right? 

Kidding aside, I'm dying to hear the Cornwall IV.  If you have heard them, please chime in!

Showing 2 responses by jbhiller

@ghjuvanni, we are walking parallel paths here. I, too, scoffed at Klipsch for many years. I used to think of them as something beyond its heyday. But 30 years later I get it.

They are heavy. I guess we can call them huge.

Pushing a tube amp at Klipsch Heritage type product results in real mojo.

When Guttenberg said the Cornwall IV takes the visceral, dynamic impact of the Forte III and raises it up a huge amount, well, that got me. It’s a Forte on steroids!
@johnmohr,  your post made my day--from the upgrade, description to the coffin comment. thank you!