Great Qobuz streamer. Upgrade from Bluesound Node 2

I use a Bluesound Node 2.  Upgraded from Spotify Premium.  Very pleased with Qobuz .Now I want to get the best streamer.  Budget max $ 3,000.Thank you.

Showing 1 response by liam2

I have two Node 2i acting as streamers only, with all unnecessary functions disabled, including volume. The service is Qobuz Studio (hi-res)

One Node is feeding an all Lab12 system including the Lab12 Dac1 Special Edition. The other Node is supplying a iFi Retro 50 system using the Retro’s own dac. In both cases the dacs are connected using Bluejeans spdif cables. Works perfectly and the Bluesound software works seamlessly.

Lab12 are about to release a Reference Edition of the Dac1, which decodes up to 24/192. The Special Edition version tops at 24/96, but that didn’t stop me. Some very favourable reviews online and I am very happy with mine.