Go Active Crossover or Upgrade existing XOs?

It was recently suggested to me that rather than doing a crossover upgrade 

I look into an active crossover for my Tannoy FSMs. Anyone experienced enough 

to guide me? What advantages does active provide?


Showing 3 responses by erik_squires

I agree with @erik_squires that active crossover design isn't that intuitive but it really isn't much more difficult than passive

And passive crossovers are difficult to do right!  :D That was kind of my point.

The issue with active crossovers is that they are not simple. You have to do everything the passive crossover does.

DSP is pretty much the only way to go IMHO when going active, but how much are you willing to measure, tweak and adjust?

Upgrading passive components is relatively simpler and harder to mess up, except when replacing electolytics.

Just pick the set of challenges you want. :)