Five Best Rock Albums Of 2013

There was a thread started in May about this and I thought it was a little early and now is just right. Mine are The Fratelli's " We Need Medicine", Arcade Fire "Reflektor", Eels "Wonderful, Glorious", Calexico "Algiers", The Truth & Salvage Company, "Pick Me Up" and honorable mention goes to Dawes, "Stories Don't End".

Showing 2 responses by lwin

Elizabeth I thank you for your response and I checked what you recommended it is an interesting website but I would like to see what Audiogon members liked for rock music this past year. I have gotten some excellent music leads in the past from fellow Audiogon members and I hope to do so again. There is so much good music out there that never even gets played radio even the college stations let alone the conglomerates, that I will be delighted if I can get half dozen or more leads to good music I missed.
Azjake: I am sorry I made you feel old. I hope you try some of the albums I recommended you might like them if you enjoy well written and played rock & roll. Sample some on Amazon, it won't cost you anything. By the way I am several years older then you are.