Esoteric P03 D03 owners: To clock or not to clock

Hi all again,

I started a post a year ago or so. I was upgrading from the X01 D2 to the P03 / D03. I had lots of questions and got very good feddback and help regarding these units.

Now, after almost a year of using them, Im considering upgrading by adding the G clock to them. Was wondering, how many of you owners of the combo actually use the clock and how many lives just with the two alone.

For those only with the 2 units, is it cos you tried and did not heard any improvement?

For those using it, can u elavorate improvement experienced? Also, did the addition of the clock change the play mode of choice before and after (upsample to DSD, or 176,4, or not upsampling etc)?


Showing 3 responses by babybear

Eli, with the external clock, be sure to read the manual to insure that you have the clock rate set correctly for how you use the P03/D03 combo. The second point that I would make is once you have the clock set up with the P03 D03, just listen with the clock in place for a few days and then remove it by going back to using the D03 to clock the P03. In my system, this allowed me to hear the difference the easiest. Hope that helps.
Hi Eli,
When you upsample redbook to DSD, Esoteric does recommend setting the external clock to 176.4. I also prefer the sound this way as well so this is how I have it set.

On top of my transport is something that I purchased from Bright Star Audio about 5 years ago - not sure what its called but its very dense and I would guess it weighs in the area of 8 - 10 pounds. I've always used this on top of my CDP or now my transport. To be honest, I couldn't tell you if it improves the sound or not. What I do find that does make a nice improvement under the P03 is a vibration isolation platform.

Feel free to email with any questions about the room, etc.
Zephyr - I run the clock at 176.4, but in my system, I prefer upsampling to DSD but definitely to not like that with the filter on - so I have the filter off. I find that in this configuration, the overall sound is more effortless and relaxed sounding. With the digital filter on, I hear a a little bit of a hard edge at the upper frequencies.