Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?

Is there are anyone out there who has compared the Esoteric DV-50 to a number of dedicated red book only players (or other universal's) and found one that is SIGNIFICANTLY better?

I stress significantly because in my humble opinion the redbook playback (if comparison unit is just a cd cd player only )must be significantly better to justify losing DVD-A, SACD and DVD-Video capability.

I keep hearing there are better one box solutions and being a die hard 2 channel fan I would sell my DV-50 if I found a player in the same price range that sounds significantly better. But every time I do an AB comparision to other well respected units the DV-50 has slayed each and every one.

So far, it has eaten the lunch of the Classe CDP-10, Ayre CX-7, Linn Ikemi, Cairn Fog Vers. 2, Cary 306/300, Arcam DV 27A and CD 33T, Myryad CD 600, etc. It even betters a Sony SCD 777ES/MF Tri-Vista 21 transport/dac combo that I previously owned. I'm only comparing the DV-50 to single box cd or universal players, but I just wanted to mention the Sony/MF combo. I'm sure there are some dac/transport combo's that will handily beat the DV 50.

Some may say that the DV 50 should beat all the above because the of price point ($5,500 vs. average price of $3,000 for the above players). But I disagree since conventional wisdom says that stand alone players (especially with the pedigree of those mentioned above) should produce better redbook than a universal player trying to be a jack of all trades. Only the DV 27A does video plus audio. By the way, I was very impressed with the 27A as just a cd player. Of all the above I would say the Ayre was the best.

Next on my list is the Electrocompaniet EMC 1UP and the Resolution Audio Opus 21. However, I must tell you I am really impressed with the DV 50 and all the great reviews are absolutely true. I've noticed that many people who are using it or comparing to other players are using the RCA analog outs instead of the balanced outs. There is a significant improvement in sound if you use the balanced outs and I'm only interested in hearing comments from people who have compared it against other players using the balanced outs on the DV-50.

My system components are as follows:

B&W N803's speakers & HTM-1 center
Cary Cinema 5 (5 x 200) amp
Anthem D1 Statement pre/pro
Esoteric DV 50
Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun speaker wire
Nirvana SX balanced interconnects from DV-50 to Anthem
Acoustic Zen Matrix reference II interconnects from D1 to Cary
No after market power cords or isolation equipment

My system sounds great! Those who comment please make sure to specify what specific improvements you heard over the DV 50 and what cdp were you comparing it against.


I could care less what people say in terms of balanced only being beneficial for long runs of cables. To many audiophiles (including myself) there is a clear and audible difference in hearing balanced vs. single ended performance...especially on those componets(like Electrocompaniet,Esoteric,Ayre,Classe,etc) that were designed to sound better balanced. What I and many other audiophiles hear are blacker backgrounds, a deeper soundstage and a more "see through quality" to the music. And when lesser designs start to sound distorted at higher volumes balanced designed equipment tends to hold its composure better.

We can talk all day about the technical reasons why there is no advantage to balanced over single ended but the fact of the matter is balanced DOES SOUND BETTER...and not by a small margin! As far as I'm concerned, if a design change or connection makes an audible improvement its better!


Alex, two questions:
1. Ignoring obvious cost increase considerations, have you thought of trying the feasibility/results of a 'traditional true balanced design.', just purely as a prrof-of-concept/sonic test, of course.
2. How much cost to the end user would be added by such a design?
3. Concerning a purely hypothetical DV50 tube-based mod, you can always move some of the tube circuitry to an external chassis. That is I believe what ModWright and possibly Exemplar have done.
Oops, I have no idea how my two questions have now become three. Oh well, that's pragmatism again rearing its ugly head!
Dbld, I am happy to hear that others share my view regarding "balanced".

Well, I do have the DV-50 on my bench as I type. My expectations are to improve its performance compared to stock and give it true DSD capabilities for stereo. To be honest, I am still beating my head with it so I can not comment more for now..:-) Many will disagree with my opinion about tube stages, but I like tubes. Sadly there is no space in the DV-50 for my tube mods so it will remain all Solid State. The ouput buffer will be MOSFET single ended working in Class A which is actually not bad at all and in combination with the Tamura coupling transformers provides very analog-like, natural sound character. I will tell more as I progress.

does the denon 3910 take forever and a day like the Sony scd-1 to load the TOC and actually start playing a disc?
Guidocorona, I agree with you and whatever I wrote before was strictly from my perspective. I have nothing against Balanced designs and their manufacturers. As you said, the truth is in the hearing. Yes, SE outputs stay intact as well as Balanced outs. My Balanced option approach is nothing new. It is widely used for Studio microphones. Since the microphone is a single ended device (as all other sources), a phase splitter is required. In most cases it is done with transformer. So I do the same. Even in digital applications there is no Balanced source. The phase splitting is usually done in the digital domain. The designer has the option to convert it back to SE, process the Analog in SE and split it to Balanced again, or just install twice more components and call it "true balanced".

It is interesting to hear Alex's thoughts on Balanced vs. Single ended. When I asked the question of Coda (which connection they recommended for 2M cable input to their monoblocks), they recommended the very same thing...single ended. They sited long cable length is the only reason you'd want to run Balanced too.

Touching back to the title of this thread, I believe Alex has a DV-50 in his shop undergoing some mods.

So Alex -

Can you comment on the DV-50 and its suitablilty for mods? What are your expectations...realistically?

I know you're busy, but when you get a chance...


Thanks Alex for the explanation. Will your 'balanced' design also supply single ended connectors in the same box? I suspect balanced vs single ended is a religious matter, as there are as many staunch defender of fully balanced approaches willing/able to prove their point, as there are detractors. Ultimately, the proof may be in the pudding, or was it in the 'fruits?' As for push/pull vs triode, I have heard situations where the former sounded better, and some where the latter did instead. But perhaps this is only my old Italian ultra-pragmatism showing through.

What happened to your web site? I was going to e-mail you about setting up another time to come audition the player, but brings up a site for web designers. You might want to check it out.

Thanks Guidocorona,

I look forward to hearing the APL player as well, despite the fact that my wallet has grown hands and is strangling me for even thinking about it!

All the best,
Guidocorona, first off let me say that there is no such thing as Balanced source to begin with. The balanced designs have very high CMRR and are very useful and required for production studios and other Pro applications where long cables are must. For home, it does not make ANY sense to use balanced gear. Why? Because the so called "true balanced" (or full differential) designs use the same amount of components for each phase per channel. What would you say, is it better to have 2 components on the signal path or is better to have 4? I vote for 2. The transformers I am going to use have Faradey shielded windings for much improved balance. Even in full differential design there is components mismatch so nothing is really perfect...;-) Why I am offering the Balanced is for people who do not agree that there is no benefit of it and insist on having it...:-)

Balanced = push pull. I still prefer SE Class A, nothing like it...;-)

BOSA2, just a gentle reminder. Agoners and industry folks on this thread are all very busy having a lot of fun. We are welcoming you to the discussion and look forward to your next postings in the cheerful and positive mood that we all want to maintain. Hope to read your findings about your upcoming 3910 audition soon!
Excuse me for sullying the tone of this excellent thread. I'm signing off, and speaking directly with Alex via
e-mail. He's just written me.
What can I say? I'm pretty busy as well. The next time you want to save face, however, you could just respond directly to my e-mails, which you still have not done.
I know, everyone does business in his/her own way. I'm just a stickler when it comes to customer service. Everyone is exceptionally good at selling it, and very few actually deliver. Thank you, but I won't be by on Thursday.
Best of luck, truly. It's refreshing to see so many people excited about your product.

The balanced output paragraph can be found by opening:
and going to the products page. It is immediately after the navbar.
I'd be interested in reading from Alex about his new balanced design. It is quite possible that what you Jose21 have originally heard from him were impressions about an early prototype. On the other hand, his design does not appear to be a fully differential balanced design, and may therefore suffer of some inherent shortcomings. Only auditions/comparisons will tell. As Igor Stravinsky stated in his Poetics Of Music, you can judge a tree only by its fruits, not by its roots.
BTW, I can't find anything about the balanced output upgrade on the website. Am I missing something? Tried opening the page different ways and still nothing.
I originally asked Alex about it and he says he prefered the single ended outs. Would have been better since I already had balanced cables.
I ordered a 3910 from Alex about 3 weeks ago. Been patiently waiting and now I'll have it by Friday.
Can't wait.................
Boa2, what can I say, I am really busy. My usual bedtime is 4:30am. I also thought that I will not have a demo 3910 for this Thursday, but it turns out I will. Please take your favorite music and stop by. I will email you with my address.

Frankg dude check your email I sent you a message like over a week ago. Justin
this thread just keeps getting more and more interesting.
Speaking of Alex, is he generally pretty responsive? I've written him twice over the past week, and have not heard back. I wanted to pass by his shop on Thursday for an audition of a modded unit, but it looks like that may not happen now.
This is a great thread, by the way. Very informative.
Thank you Frank, I did open the page from the address bar and found the following info about Alex's balanced output design for the APL 3910:
"Unlike all of the available Balanced output machines using a simple Op Amp for Single Ended to Balanced conversion, or the even more complicated designs called "true balanced" using twice more components on the signal path, the new APL Hi-Fi Balanced Output is actually giving you the sound quality of a Single Ended Triode drive. The actual phase splitting is done by the secondary windings of the output transformer while driven from the same Single Ended 6H30 Tube stage. This component-less Balanced output design gives you the Ultimate sonic performance with all the benefits of Single Ended Designs. . . "
The modification costs a modest $249. I am not qualified to comment on the engineering merits of this solution, but if it indeed it worked, it would deliver the sonic benefits of a traditional balanced design at a fraction of the price. Any comments from Alex, Dan, and any Agoners with either qualified EE knowledge or listening experience of similar designs will be appreciated.
Guidocorona. Don't know why but going to apl website through agon you don't get the updated info. Go to from your home page. Alex explains how he does the balanced outs on the updated site.
Went to Alex's web site. I confirm the option for the masterclock generator for $200 on APL 3910. On the other hand I saw no mention of a balanced output stage. Question is also: will this option be simply XLR connection, or does it involve a fully differential balanced design?
Perhaps Alex and Steve Milin can comment on the sound improvements for these two new features.
Oh, do I so love an ever thickening plot! And yes, of course, the magic rabbit is running ever faster along the track's raill. . . Arf! Arf! Arf!
Alex now offers balanced output (see the updated website). He also posted the price for the package deal (Denon 3910 + mods + clock = $4,200).

711smilin, I may change my logon to Philsmilin soon. I ordered the package deal. I am curious about your use of DVD. I'm assuming you must use a monitor to navigate DVD-A, correct?
I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel the get together at my house next Sunday. I am extremely busy at work and have a deadline to meet. I will be very happy to host a session in January, probably after CES which I will be attending. Meanwhile, perhaps someone else is willing to host.

I apologize to all concerned for the cancellation, but I'm afraid time is of the essence.

I really don't believe there is any reason to doubt 711 Smlin's motives - in fact I would probably vote him the most enterprisng, energetic A'gon member I've ever heard of.......:)
Jes45, you need to get a life, I have bought, paid for used sold returned more equipment this year than most. I see no feedback for you, only rediculous posting. I am still buying other sources, and am communicating with other honest audiogon members who are on a similar search, for fabulous digital.. I have found something I realy love, and am sharing my experience. Nuf said.
Reb1208, I am gonna ship my APL 1000 back to Alex on Monday. I will suggest to him, if his busy schedule permits, to fully mod it, and use it for demo. This would not be up to the 3910 standard, but should be plenty wonderful to give a taste. I have not heard the Krell SACD standard, but from reading audiogon threads, I was under the impression the AA Capitole mk 2 was superior. I have owned that. I realize the more I know today, the less I know tomorrow. As far as an inexpensive back-up, it depends on what the buget is, and which formats are the most important to you. My back-up was(is) the SACD 1000.
Thanks. I wish that the APL was available for in home audition. I'm looking to buy something right now. Was wondering- Did you ever listen to the Krell SACD standard. About 6 weeks off for the new version. Anyway, I guess an inexpensive back-up player will have to fill in. Any sugestions?
Springbok10. I mentioned above that the APL is a single ended design.
Alex told me he was going to offer balanced outs as an option but feels the machine sounds better single ended. He may have changed his mind so check with Alex to make sure.
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Man, that is a GREAT question. Bass is probably the MOST important factor to me in musicality. Funny I did not even mention bass response earlier. I have the mother of subwoofers, the SVS 12 B-4 Plus with 4 12 inch woofers, passively connected to a Crown K2 in mono for 2500 watts. I LOVE BASS.

The APL has bass that does not need for a subwoofer in my system. In the past, I only had issues with my WAF using the subwoofer. I do not use the Sub in my 2 channel. I have 15" paper woofers in my speakers. They are very fast, and depending on the source, can definately sound bloated or muddy. With my APL, this is not the issue. The bass I get is so tight, fast, articulate, emmmm, real, I can tell the difference in the types of drums used. I was listening to Chuck Mangione's, Children of Sanchez, when the bass drums start, WOW, tight, fast, in my chest, only like my subwoofer was playing. My daughter ran downstairs and told me to turn my subwoofer off, cause books were falling ff the desk. I was smiling, ear to ear, prior cause of the spl and air from my 15"ers. When she came down, I was floored that the bass was so GREAT, I was HAPPY.

Bass is wonderful, accurate, fast, focused, again,the best I have ever had in my system. I guess I just neber mentioned it cause I never felt bass was lacking, and just did not think about it. Bass is presented naturally IMHO.

Hope this helps in your journey.
Springbok10, my answer is yes. I would much prefer to work towards a fully balanced system. Perhaps in the future Alex from APL and Dan from ModWright may consider modifying some fully balanced players.
Nobody has mentioned that the APL 3910 is a single-ended design. Does this bother owners of fully balanced set-ups (like Atma-Sphere Preamps and amps, which I have)? Anybody know whether the Exemplar has balanced outputs?
Question about the bass performance of the APL 3910. I did not see any description of this aspect of playback. The APL is apparently very open, dimensional and holographic. That is expected when listening to a high-end tube signal. Is the bass deep, powerful and extended? Tubby or boomy? Slow or Fast. Soft but defined? To me this is just as important as getting the open aspect of playback right. Most players that get the openess right, also have a lean aspect to the bass. I have not heard one cd player that does both.

I just received my APL back earlier today. I noticed an immdediate improvement. The music was more real, holographic in ways. I have listened now for about 8 hours with redbook and SACD. I will wait to comment futher on the sound. The unit now has an external toggle for turning the remote on and off. The remote serves various functions(Sony remote, I think it's funny)when I push the REC mode, I can adjust volume control, pause by pressing 1, and invert phase by pushing 6, button 4 and 5 are the filters. I have not really used them as of now. I will in the near future, and will let you know . In the DVD mode, I can change tracks with the channel up/down, or by hitting the track #. Pretty simple to use, and a GREAT time saver for my fam. More to come.

Get off of our thread! You have nothing positive to say. And you really ought to learn how to spell before you start criticizing someone else!

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Guys, please let me know what the story is. I will be in town till the 16th. I just received my APL, and WOW, with the clock, it is a different machine. Alex also put a brand new transport in, mine was damaged shipping to him, damn fed ex. My unit is burning in again. Even so, I know in my heart, and ears, this machine is MAGICAL. These are the only words I can use to describe the beauty of the music I am hearing as I write this. As good as the APL was without the clock, there was a 3 dimensionality to it. Now there is a holographic magic to it, accurate, delicate, extended, soft, seductive, percussive. The air in between the notes, instruments, guitars, piano, and especially vocals, are just fabulous. I am amazed at how great my system is sounding, right now. I am smiling. I am content. I am in awe.

I have talked to Bill the importer of Eastern Electric to maybe have him at the shootout and to be the person switching sources so you guys can make decisions on what sounds best, without being told what is playing. BTW, is the shootout on for the 19th? Are you guys going to listen to the UX-01 at quintessence tomorrow, if so, I can meet you. I can also purchase it if the shoot out is gonna be next week, when I am out of town. Rest assured, you can have the APL there if you would like too.

Good luck on the journey


That's a great point! It's been proven (even in the medical field with placebo's)that the mind can be tricked into believing something is better if it "thinks" it knows upfront what's being administered or given.

Maybe we could appoint someone to do that...but it will be tough!


THAT IS GREAT NEWS! I think yours is the unit everybody really wants to hear...especially given the fact that a lot has already been said about it and Alex has been active on this thread. Many also want to know how it will fare against the Meitner.

It's my understanding that you will be out of town that weekend, is that correct? I may have to get together with you before you go out of town just so I can hear it. Or maybe you'll be kind enough to let Jactoy pick it up that weekend since he lives close to you? Being its your newest, greatest toy you may not want to and if so I completely understand!

Keep us informed and please do give us your first impressions after you take a listen this weekend!

Steve, I can't make the 18th as I've blocked out the day for a customer coming in from out of town for a big audition. The 19th, afternoon or evening, is what I have available. Any other time between now and January is tricky. Go ahead with your own schedule as you wish and we'll figure out something down the road. I think David's moniker is Deshapiro.

OK by me AVGURU...I'm flexible on date, time, and place. You name it.

Too bad we don't have a moderator who would oversee connectivity of players in the respective system so that we don't have any biases or preconceived notions of whats playing, driving our opinions. I'd really not want to know what's playing until we were done.
Brian,Jactoy,1MarkR,Tbabb,David and others who will attend the 12/19 shootout:

I did not realize 12/19 was a Sunday. Bad day as I usually attend church and do house chores to prepare for the work week. Why don't we re-schedule for the 18th (Saturday)? That makes more sense I think. Saturday is usually most people's blow off day for leisure. Please let me know.

Brian and Jactoy, what is David's Audiogon name? Is he following this thread? Brian, I'm thinking since you have limited room at your place we should do it over David's house if he's agreeable. Additionally, I understand from Jactoy that he has a very high end system that is very revealing and may serve as the best "testing ground" for our shoot-out. Finally, I don't know how he feels about moving his very expensive Meitner gear to another place.

Is everyone agreeable to this? If not, please let me know. If so, can someone please contact David and see if he is willing to be the host?

711Smilin, since you are a happy! APL Denon 3910 owner, can you tell me:

do you use the filters of the DAC and how do they differ?
how long does it take to warm up and sound its best?
is the tube exposed or totally enclosed?

You and others have given excellent descriptions of its sound and I appreciate your effort to use your ears and not reviews or the price to determine the best unit. I too am interested in hearing your impressions of the unit with upgraded Master Clock.

I said this earlier in the thread but I would just like to reiterate......I think it is so awesome that you guys (who are conducting these demo's) are doing this and want you to know many of us are living vicariously through you. Also, I suspect many of us are benefitting, or will benefit, from your reviews and results.

Irishdogs, in Raleigh there is an Esoteric dealer that actually stocks a P70/D70 combo unit. See:
Audio Exchange
621 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27603
(919) 828-6369
proprietor: Joe Flanigan.
I have not spoken to Joe in a couple of months, but he may very well have also X-01 or UX-1 at this time.