Driving Maggie 1.6s?

Can I efficiently drive 1.6s with an ARC VT100 or VS110? I am currently using a Bryston 4BSST.
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Showing 1 response by magnepanmike

I am currently driving my 1.6's with an ARC 100.2 and an ARC Ref 2 mk1 preamp. I previously had an ARC LS 16 mk1 and it had all the elements you are looking for. Lots of depth, no fatigue and plenty of bloom. What are you using for a pre? Because maggies like lots of current and are toting a 4 ohm load, I would stick to a SS amp such as your Bryston, and play around with a tube pre. If you are considering an ARC product such as the LS 16, 25 or Ref's, make sure they are the mk1 version as they are more laid back, have more "bloom" and have more of an overall "tube" sound than the mk2's.