Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
Here is my room hit list for Friday morning at AXPONA 2019:

16-Aster: Shelter

384: Schiit

354: Fern & Roby

362: ATC/Lone Mountain Audio

442-444: Glenn Poor/Technics

452: Aesthetix

478: CPT A/V; Emerald Physics

552: Xact Audio

546: Linear Tube Audio

606: Linear Tube Audio

652: CAT

670: Benchmark Media Systems

696: Linear Tube Audio

1429: Sanders Sound Systems

1440: Durand Tonearms & Evolution Acoustics

1480: AGD Productions

8415: Linear Tube Audio

8470: Etymotic Research

9424: Mag-Lev Audio

Hope to see some of you in the rooms!
Goodness gracious, you forgot High Water Sound !? Audio Show Rule #1, always visit Jeff, the sound will be fabulous and the tune-age exquisite.
+1  Jeffrey's room would be at the top of my list, were I attending.

@taras22  if you don't mind, can you reach out to me via PM on your thoughts about the latest Horning Hybrid Eufrodite speakers that he will be demoing? I'm assuming you will be attending. Thanks.