Does Verity Parsifals mate well with solid?

Hi everyone, Im considering a pair of Verity Parsifals floorstandings from the used market. But after some research have found most of the setups are with tubes. Currenntly Im using Lexicon's MC8B, LX7 amp and Denon 5910 all with JPS cabling. My room is used equally as theater as for music.
Since I wont be able to test in my place, Im worried these speakers are not a good match for solids, please any info on this subject will be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by martykl

I've used the Verity P/Es with both tube amps - Cary 805, ARC VT130SE - and SS - Krell KSA 50s and Odyssey Monos. The speaker sounds great (but somewhat different) with each amp. The Cary (especially with 845 output tubes) and Krell both tend toward darker presentation. The ARC, oddly, sounds comparitavely lush. The Odyssey is probably closest to neutral but I prefer the Cary w/211s and the ARC - depending on the program material.

Two words of caution - high current. Low power OTLs and SETs need not apply. I've tried each without success.

Since I don't know your amp at all I can't comment further.