Does the Eminent Technology 2.5 arm work well with the Transcriptors Reference turntable?

Both arm and turntable are still made.

Nothing in the Audiogon ET 2.5 discussion group about this particular combination.



Showing 4 responses by mijostyn

@rooze, I am very familiar with the Debut Signature. The ET2 will cause the suspension to wobble as it's mass is in the wrong location. Both the ET 2 and the Graham 2.2 are poor tonearms for different reasons. Aside from current Basis arms the Kuzma 4 Point 9, The Reed 2G, the Triplanar and the Schroder CB will all fit on the Debut Signature with some modification in 9-10 inch forms. All are significantly better designs than either the Graham 2.2 or the ET 2. 

Hi @dover Though I'd make a guest appearance.

The ET arm does not work well on any turntable. It is a terrible design based on wishful thinking by people who fail to grasp the physics involved. The problems created by such a design are far worse than the insignificant amount of tracking error pivoted arms create. 

Save yourself the misery and get a Kuzma 4 Point 9.

@dover and @ vinylzone. The ET 2 and all the other arms like it are the wishful  thinking of individuals who should know better. The horizontal effective mass is almost twice that of the vertical mass. This puts the related resonance frequencies is disparate locations. The end result is messed up bass one way or the other creating not just creating problems with the quality of the bass (most people are not sensitive to this) but also the ability of the cartridge to track correctly. These arms always sound worse than a proper pivoted arms. The may look cool and be fun to watch but , that is about it. This says nothing about maintenance issues and durability. The Clearaudio arms are just as bad. There is this one German manufacturer who makes a carriage driven straight line tracker, a very difficult stunt to pull off, for a ridiculous price. I would love to hear one but that will probably never happen.  The Solution to this problem if you want tangential tracking is either the Reed 5T or the Schroder LT. If I had a turntable it would fit on I'd get the Schroder. @rooze , The Debut Signature is a fine turntable and deserves the finest of arms. I suspect you are somewhat price limited. How much can you spend?


@lewm , That is wishful thinking Lew. The suspension has a certain compliance that is is essence omnidirectional. If anything vertical compliance is lower than horizontal which makes this problem worse! There is a reason that no tonearm of this type has gained universal acceptance, they perform poorly and this is easy to demonstrate The problem is that t most people, on most systems, they sound OK and of course if "I" use it it must be the best and it looks cool. The same is true of 12 inch tonearms. Only academically challenged people buy into this type of thing and you are not but I get it, you like to argue with me which is fine. It keeps me sharp and I learn. You can not argue with the physics. People almost universally prefer the Kuzma 4 Point 11 over the Airline.  

@vinylzone , meh? That lady on the cell phone is about to crash into you. I suggest you close your eyes.