Do audiophiles have a high divorce rate?

Somebody told me yesterday that a study that looked at personality traits of people who got divorced found that people who were picky and difficult to satisfy were over-represented in the divorce population.

That got me thinking: picky and difficult to satisfy -- that doesn't sound like any of us, does it?

From your observations, do you think that audiophiles might have a higher divorce rate than the general population because of certain personality characteristics?

Just hoping my hypothesis is wrong.

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Showing 3 responses by bdgregory what do you attribute the success and longevity of your relationships and how does the audio obsession play into that dynamic?
I would say we've lasted this long because we have a great deal in common and do a lot together, and we discovered this during our 4 years together before we married (we met in college). Alas, audio is NOT one of our common passions, but my wife knew this was mine before we married, and is very tolerant. She lets me put equipment of all manner, all over the house (we have a system in every room I can think of), and of course I make it up to her. She also has her own hobbies which I support.