Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!

I seriously doubt that this will make any difference to the naysayers. But here it is.

Showing 13 responses by speedbump6

Dogma, we will keep praying for you and your cables, so that you may continue on your journey of enlightenment
Jason, your powers of observation seem to be severely lacking if you believe that to be true. Obviously you are in your own camp two with your ability to observe. There could be another camp you missed.. Those ones look at things they can’t afford like lambos, and decide they have no redeeming value, not because of any scientific reasoning, only because they want to justify not spending. I suppose you could go on and on based on what one or two people claim or Dosnt claim, or make up categories based on your own apparent bias. Anyone reading just this thread  will see many disaparities  in your statement.Mb which is why most people who don’t deny there are differences will say you just have to listen. And because one cable works well in one system is not a guarantee it will match well and sound as good with a different set of components. 
So Danny doesn’t know what he’s talking about suddenly?  I don’t think it explains all the what’s and why’s, but does represent an example that cables can and do make a difference. There is a video I’ve posted a few times, even on one of genes videos that show a definite measured difference before and after a power conditioner by Puritan was added. Major difference in the measurements, something that gene has disputed and claimed to prove with measurements of his own. measurements don’t always show what the presenter claims they do, and ocd guy was using some of genes own type of measurements. Not one person ever responded to or had an answer to that video, which is rather unusual for that sight. They’re usually very vocal about how you didn’t do a blind test right, or the stars were out of alignment and therefore the results invalid.
Hey, some guys who get Don’t let anyone tell you what you hear. Listen and decide for yourself. We all have varied tastes, decide on your own favorite flavor. 
Lol, same video has been discussed before and the naysayers say it only shows the cable is a good antennae. N80, people don’t suspend their belief in cables maki g a difference because of price as you posted, they spend what their pocketbook allows. So you’re saying you cannot hear the difference between a 1k amp and 10k amp, or that you don’t believe a 100k amp would sound any better, because 5k is the limits of your budget? Or you wouldn’t desire a Lamborghini if you had the money over your Toyota Camry? The naysayers don’t use logic, because logic does not work in their favor. If you don’t hear a difference I’ve got no issue with that at all, wish I was you, as my pocket book would be far better off for it. I would prefer a 1k amp to sound like a 10k, etc etc, and same goes for cables. So why do the naysayers have to try so hard to convince people they’re hearing things, I haven’t tried to convince them that they don’t. I’ve never tried to demean anyone by saying they have hearing problems, it’s always them saying that we are the ones who say such things. I really haven’t seen that happen, and certainly not to the extent they are always so bent on convincing everyone that they are making up what they’re hearing. I do agree that many of them are so entrenched in their positions that they would never admit it if they do hear a difference, and most can’t even be bothered to listen, they avoid the subject and refer to measurements they claim disprove that there are any differences. It’s as if they don’t trust their own ears. 
Glupson, or maybe the nordst Odin, lolN80, why do you guys always take what was really said and turn it into something else. I never said anything of the sort. It’s possible for 
a 5 k speaker to beat a 20 k one, but funny how when we say that ( tekton) it’s a lot of you same guys who then Pooh Pooh that. I listen with my hears, not a piece of paper with measurements that others are trying their hardest to convince me are somehow relevant. So may keep asking for proof that there’s something different. Many listen, then part with their because BECAUSE they heard a difference, not to justify buying after the fact as a lot try to claim. I think the idea of someone who believes that someone proclaiming the greatness of a product they purchased would do that to justify their purchase is basically hogwash. I find most consumers are more quick to criticize if something doesn’t perform to their expectations, and are usually the more vocal group, than those who are happy with their purchase. Why would they be did what they expected it to do. So many people read reviews and do not understand this effect ( there are studies about reviews avaible) 
No, it’s your comprehension, the problem becomes more notable on longer posts because more effort is required to follow them. And you did mention one lambo you desired. Odins are not 65k, unless maybe you mean an entire loom, or maybe extra long custom lengths, but that name was only picked as an example. N80 is the one I specified about changing what was said, but I guess you felt the need to show you had that ability also. 
I have also found people on the wrong end of a discussion( the ones who can actually see it at least) tend to suddenly become English teachers and talk about syntax, sentence structure, and spelling. If we were still in grade school ( I’m assuming not) and this were a test, I could fully understand. 
And an admission of your comprehension issues. We are indeed making progress today. Good on you, bravo.
glupson, so now you’ve admired that you did not comprehend your own post, and that you did indeed say that you desired a lambo. I know it’s hard to face the truth sometimes, so thank you for owning up to it.
 Lol two left. It’s the small nuances like that which seem to escape the untrained eyes of a few. 
Radio Shack used to be the place to go to for stereo equipment back in the day. I guess there’s no need to evolve from those days, it made noise, right? Lol. 
They were definitely simpler times glupson. Back before we knew everything matters. Cables, jitter, isolation, rf. We were probably as happy with the sound back then as we are now. I ambiance driving the nicest cars from the 70s compared to today’s cars. Yet we were happy with them at the time. Homes had kitchens that were separated from the the living room, now we have open concept. Not many people had or would have considered a separate audio room, home theater room, etc.