Copying DVDs?

I have recently gotten a spate of email spam from people claiming to sell software (or something) that allows me to copy DVD (movies, presumably) onto my CD burner, then play them back in my DVD player.

Is anyone aware of this? Is it something that can be done anyway with no special software? What are the downsides?

- Eric

Showing 1 response by ehart

Yes, I'm curious about the technology involved. I don't yet have either a CD burner or a DVD player.

I'm curious because I assumed that DVD-V and CDs are so different that you could never have a movie on CD. Also that DVDs hold more info, so that quality must be dropped if a movie goes from DVD to CD.

So is this actually possible technically, or are these complete scams?

I don't actually plan to do this, but my curiousity is piqued by the "format wars."

- Eric