Can't we all just get along?

I have not been a member for a very long time, and joined Agon to discuss audio with others in my hobby. Seems to me that almost every post devolves into a hijacked  negative argument between a few members that seem to think it's their platform to preach their opinions to any who would listen, and any dissent to what they have to say is met with ridicule/insults, and just downright rudeness.

There will always be differences in opinion, BUT, we can be civilized in how we disagree.

There is already too much negativity in the world. Is it not possible to insulate that from our hobby in this forum, or is this what we have become? Hiding behind our keyboards and not having the courtesy to treat our fellow audio lovers with decency, open-mindedness, and RESPECT !


@Crazyeddy > I can assure you that they would be seeing the dentist the next day

Blindjim > the issue there is that the exact same people would not act the exact same way in person. I’d bet on it.

= = = = =

@Whart > Many were these meek individuals in person, but had an entirely different persona behind a keyboard.
> people don’t intend to sound snarky or harsh, but it comes off that way. (True of email too

Blindjimn > exactlyI said that in another post recently. Thanks for saying it here.

= = == = = =

Taking the high road is the key IMHO. It is difficult though to ignore blasts from the ill informed or missed inference which explodes from someone not realizing only a portion of a post was pertinent to them, yet they respond as if all of it was directed right at them. Or are goaded into flaming on from their other ill informed cronies..

It was not this way in the past. Anger is an attribute of displayed fear. We fear what we don’t know or are unfamiliar.

Although a plane did not abruptly land in my back yard, nor could it unless it came in nose first straight down, I’ve had some real issues with junkies or crack heads openly selling dope on the corner near my house, or right in front of it at times. Braking into the abandoned house next door routinely for whatever purposes.

I report idiots like these as it is necessary. They don’t care for that at all and have caused me enormous strife for an extended period.

3 times while I was home, these fools tried busting down my door to get in. all I had to defend myself with was a broom at first. It’s a little different now and I think they know it.

It sucks to sleep on the floor. Or with a weapon. Or be armed to just walk out to the road to check your snail mail.

The worst part of it is how long the stress from those invasions lasts. Astonishingly long in fact.

Standing up to the dopers finally got them out of my hair two years later on. Not the local authorities.

Last Friday night, 12.30am, four people began banging on my doors and windows. Yelling and screaming! Get up? Your house is on fire!!

What? Fire? Seriously? Holy…..

I get to the main entryway with a strong deterrent at my side and yell back asking who is there? Voices say Deputies!

They didn’t sound like crack heads so I slid the deterrant under a chair cushion and opened the door. Sure enough. Cops. Many of them saying get out of the house! Its on fire!

Well, crap. Where? Where’s the fire? I said.

They said by the door!

I was doing laundry. Running the dryer. It was about 40F and clouds of condensate was pouring out of the vent. This is what someone mistook as smoke from a house on fire and called the cops. Then two fire wagons pulled up and another wave of responders barged in throwing things around going thru the whole house. Shheessh.

What a mess they made. What a trip.

Now my dryer knows I hate it. Why? Because it is silently, covertly shrinking my clothes.

The evidence is overwhelming. All I want is a sincere apology. It stubbornly stands on the fifth and refuses to incriminate itself. Won’t say a word. Nada.

Knowing my dislike for the appliance is strong, I’ll bet it took the opportunity to billow out more smoke like clouds than usual, just to attract attention and ruin my evening!

Despite the fact there may be a small point of possible culpability on my behalf, I’m gonna focus my ire on the dryer. It works for me. Dumb dryer!! Probably would have been a life long criminal were it human.

Post removed 
crazyeddie, sounds like (IMHO) on the 'plane event day', after That series of episodes, I'd have called it 'A Day' and tried to go home without any further excitement.   And made sure that any 'cold one' ( or more...) was in aluminum instead of glass.... ;) *G*

blindjim....Retaliate...clotheslines.  *G*  'Course, with crackheads and junkies around, you might have to engage in some 'creative interior decoration'....  Perhaps a new 'take' on 'acoustic modeling'?

"Hanes cotton segmented acoustic panels'....staggered arrays....;)

Sorry....couldn't resist....*G*

I have a personal tendency to try to find some humour 'midst what seems to me to be a more 'relaxed' forum, as noted 'above'....  There's enough 'serious things' happening about us already,  I try to make my 'audio experience'  a Hobby, even a form of Escape....not a Religion...

I have my opinions, Sure.  They may/may not agree with yours,  That's quite normal and pretty much expected with any subject.  If some enjoy 'discussing' the fine points of  cable X v. cable Z to however many pages one who care to carry it on to...well, cool, have at it....

I hang around here to see what other's are thinking, what's 'hot' or not, learn what To or Not Do, and generally try to have a pleasant time.  Toss out a comment or quip, try to 'seem intelligent', keep the 'soapbox time'  to a tolerable minimum, and remember PEBKAC.

Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.

...that hasn't, nor will, ever change....;) 

@hifiman5  No property damage at all. It's just a wide open field behind the shop. Had he come down another few second later, well, it would have been quite bad for all as he was heading towards my building.

@blindjim  Sounds like you had neighborhood was quite sketchy in the past. Can't imagine the stress with the constant worry of the local druggies possible breaking in to your home. Sounds like you've got it under control now. Good for you!

Now, have you considered that your dryer may perhaps be in league with these scoundrels ?? Trying to get you out of your house..... You know, appliances are untrustworthy at the best of times