Can I nominate Sean please ?

Someone mentioned that Sean was the" Audio Altruist of the Year" in a thread I was reading tonight.This was due to his exhaustive generosity in sharing his knowlege with everyone so unselfishly and so often. I responded in agreement in the thread but felt it should be reintroduced . I have learned more in 6 months reading past discussions he was involved in than 10 years of talking with audio salespeople who ooze misinformation at every gasp and audio journalism with commercial agendas. I too nominate Sir Sean as " Audio Altruist of the Year " . Honorable mentions go out to others who also give of themselves and who I follow as well. These are but a few : Albertporter , Dekay , Detlof , Gunbei , Psychicanimal , TWL , Phasecorrect , Sugarbrie , tok2000 , Tireguy , Mejames , subarguru , zaikesman , Stehno and Mike Lavigne. For those I forgot or left out ; my apologies. So here is a toast to you Sean; may we all stay in touch and be friends .

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At the risk of offending all the other really great contributors (Zaikesman, Albert Porter, Roy, etc. (what happened to Bear and Audio Engineer ?)) I too, really appreciate Sean's contributions. Thanks!