Bulk power cables suggestions

I need help giving my system proper PCs.  Bulk cables at 150 USD per meter max. to get a good basis before Going/DIYing further. I have a QB8 with Red Dawn and generic PCs.
My needs are for Ncore nc1200 amp, a Truth preamp and a streamer/dac.
Thank you!

Showing 3 responses by facten


I suggest reaching out to Audiogon members, grannyring, Wig and Williewonka, they are seasoned cable DYI’ers.. I can attest firsthand to the cable making capabilities of grannyring; well worth the reach-out despite the above generalization of DYI cables.
If you haven’t read through the forum Williewonka started on the double helix design it includes comments on different cable wire that the guys have used.