BIG difference Tidal vs Amazon Music

I read an interesting article on Van Halen‘s Blood and Fire was done with a stereo guitar and I wanted to check it out. So I look for the song on both Tidal and Amazon music and OMG what a difference in sound quality between the two.  What gives? Both say CD quality but there’s NO COMPARISON!


Have had Amazon HD for over a year now and am VERY HAPPY. I stream only R&R. Old 60's 70's guy etc. I stream using USB from my windows based PC, hardwired directly to an outboard  Benchmark DAC 3B. System just under 14K  Never at a loss for content, most of what I listen to is offered at 24/96 and a lot at 24/192   Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Rush, Led Zeppelin, Yes, Fleet wood Mac, Journey, 't etc. Never seems to be out, always there when I want it. Couldn't say enough good things about it. As a prime member I pay about $8.75 a month.   Never tried Tidal, probably because of what I've written above. Robert TN  

Along those same lines as to who has what high res. I was listening to “Flim and the BB’s” in both Amazon and Apple. One release titled “Tunnel” has the wrong music.  What was strange is that both Amazon and Apple had the same incorrect media.  Im inclined to believe that many of the music providers have a proprietary front end, but they actually stream from a common back end system that’s used by multiple clients. I’m very suspicious about the use of “high res studio masters”. What are we actually getting and where is it stored?

I would think that volume matching would be important: Streaming services may not play at the same level so the louder one will sound better to most people. I tried comparing Tidal to my Hard Drive with the files ripped to the AIFF format(full CD quality) and discovered that Tidal was louder but did not sound better once I did the volume match.

One should keep in mind that the two services could be using a different master which could be a multi-generational source:

Also, 1 demo from Van Halen, not known for audiophile recordings, is not a good barometer. I would think 5 to 10 demos across different genres of music would be more accurate.

I don't use either of the services. My friend was over with his Tidal app and I decided to compare and decided to pass in favor of my hard drive.   




My experience with Amazon is that their fanciest version is only slighly less than actual CD. You have to listen hard to hear it. Not enough to spoil your enjoyment of the music. Since it's free with "Prime," I consider it a great service!