Best Multi CD Deck

I have a Yamaha JukeBox type CD player. I think it holds like 100 CD's and will play all, random, etc. I have to admit I like the ability to play 5-6 CD's at a time. Is there higher quality CD players that accomodate 6 CD's?
From another thread:

11-14-11: Winoguy17
Buco, with all due respect, it's time to stop beating that Sony 595 horse. It is not available on that site and has'nt been for a long time. Based on your unabashed love for it, I can honestly say I have tried SonyStyle at LEAST 250 times in the last couple years and they have never had one. Let 'er go boy, she's dead...
Winoguy17 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Sony 595, often available for $60 as a refurb on SonyStyle. I have hi end other players, all single. The 595 gives them a run for their money. Try one, what have got to lose.
Anthem CD1 hands down the best multi disc player made. it's slow and clunky switching CD's, but blew my single disc player out the door.