Beethoven Symphonies - best perf + sonics on CD

My CD's of Beethoven's symphonies were all issued in the late 80's or early 90's and sound flat and two-dimensional, with a back-of-the-house perspective. Vinyl is more dynamic but I can't tolerate the surface noise during the quiet passages. So, fellow A'gon members, I'm looking for your suggestions for the best sounding (good tone, big dynamics, front row perspective) and most thrilling performances of Beethoven symphonies on redbook CD. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
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Showing 4 responses by tostadosunidos

I have to disagree about classical music being "composer's music"--I'd rather hear the Guarneri Quartet playing anything than most other quartets playing the finest the repertoire has to offer. As a matter of fact, it's with the "top shelf" pieces (which is a somewhat subjective category, of course) that I insist on hearing a "top shelf" performance.
So, as with so many things, "YMMV."
Regarding the 80's digital DG Karajan set--I'm curious to know if any of you find them tolerable on today's less harsh-sounding machines. I know I found them hard to listen to back when they came out, but much better-sounding now.
At this point in time, I find that Baroque and earlier music sounds better to my ear and simply more "right" when played on period instruments and with the prevailing scholastic ideas applied. Classic era music I like either way. By around Beethoven and beyond I prefer modern instruments.

Tempo is an area requiring pretty deep discussion. But I guess we have the time or we wouldn't be here!
Learsfool, I agree--there is usually some gray area regarding tempo (without betraying the original intent). Also agreement regarding Haydn influence on LVB and that the Rosen book is worth checking out. Thanks for the good post.

For the record, one can hear Hummel and Clementi as well in Beethoven, but he never studied with them (well, that I know of).