Beatles Tribute Tv special....

Some nice surprises...first, Maroon 5 was very impressive with their early Beatles tunes....Joe Walsh sounded awesome...wasn't a huge fan of David Grohls song choice...and the show seemed to dip in the middle...Annie Lennex came off a bit creepy in that bizarre dress...but Sir paul rocked it...and RIngo is always cool...all in all..not bad....hey, at least Bono wasn't involved...does he have to ruin everything?

Showing 4 responses by rpeluso

Never understand why Yoko is such a magnet for criticism. Truth is John loved her, and if some blame that on the breakup of the group, well that blame belongs in his lap, not hers. Reminds me of an old song, ever kick a good man when he was down just to make your self fell tall.
Phase, I agree about double fantasy, very much. I have two of her recent discs, enjoy each. One more than the other, but that's true for many artists I listen to.
My very first ever concert was The Beatles, in Baltimore, September 13 1964, was my birthday, and my dear dad took me. Priceless, now that I am 61. I was 12 at the time. A concert I saw, but honestly barely heard.
Have it, heard it, well worth the price of admission, give it a try, you will be satisfied.