Austin TX — February, 2009


It seems that there have been several failed attempts to get an Austin Audio Club up and running. I'm willing to give it another shot! Please post here AND message me privately if you're interested.

Showing 10 responses by rebbi

I just passed my name along to soliver, and he said he'd put me on his list. Hopefully I'll get to meet some of y'all soon! :-)
I'm getting the list together. In the mean time, please message me if you are willing and have the space to host a gathering in your home, and let me know what part of town you live in. I'm thinking a great turnout would be 20 to 25 folks.
Okay, folks, I'm willing to step up. Let me see what I can figure out. Stay tuned...

Just a bit more patience, please. I am working on securing a venue for a first meeting! In the meantime, please message me if you want to be notified of a gathering and either:

1) You are NOT on soliver's existing list, or,
2) You have not already messaged me.

I am really glad that this is happening and I am going to do my best to attend!

I had tried last fall to get another meeting together. I had visited another, very high-end audio shop in Austin (that shall remain nameless) and they were NOT interested in hosting such a meeting. I then got busy with work and personal matters and just couldn't follow through.

I have a spreadsheet of names of Austin audio folks who were really into the idea of meeting, and I will pass this information along to them, too!

Good deal!
The first meeting of the Hillcountry Audio Club was a blast. We had about a dozen folks there, crammed into the Audio Systems listening rooms and having fun. We listened to the Big Maggies driven by some gargantuan amp whose name escapes me at the moment. We also listened to Audio Systems owner Mark Lyons' "baby system;" amazing what under $1000 dollars will buy you these days. ("Friends don't let friends buy stereos at Best Buy.") :-)

The Club now has a rudimentary web site. See for more info and pics.

Next meeting is May 14th!
There is functioning audiophile group in Austin these days! It’s called 5one2 Audio. Main means of communication is via a Facebook page by the same name. Take a look here: