Aurender N10 - Sound quality performance is erratic

I am having problems with my N10. Some days it plays amazingly good, other days good and some days not good at all.

I live very near Aurender in SoCal and so I took my unit in for service and they provided me with a loaner. The first session after I put the loaner in the system was all-time good. Then the next day wasn't all that great. Then the next two days were good but no great. Anyway, this is just weird. Both N10s appear to exhibit this erratic behavior.

My internet is ATT DSL at 24Mbps and that has been suggested as the culprit (I was thinking about calling and asking them to give me a trial at 50 or 100 Mbps to see if the increased speed will eliminate the problem - 24Mbps is fast enough I almost never seen buffering in Netflix). It has been suggested that I get hi-speed cable to solve this problem and get rid of the twisted pairs on the phone line. I have tried a DSL filter and it hasn't seemed to help, assuming I've got it installed correctly.

So have any of you N10 users had this problem? If so, how did you fix it?
@hgeifman - I appreciate your sharing. Maybe something as easy as reboot the modem when the music isn't sounding right. Or more complicated. Hopefully we can get the system dialed in where it plays well ALL the time.
@pokey77, please re-boot both your router and modem.  Turn them off for 3 minutes and then turn the modem on first and then your router.  If present, please remove any batteries in these units.  My modem has a battery.   Please keep us posted.  

I believe your internet speed needs to be bumped up. You need to ask AT&T how many devices sharing your current bandwidth. Based on the number of connected devices AT&T can recommend the suitable plan for you. 

I was in the same place 2 years ago experiencing drop outs with my N10 on a 24mbps plan. A quick diagnosis of my service showed 27 devices sharing the 24mbps bandwidth 😳

I bumped up my plan to 100mbps, no issues with streaming since the upgrade.  
I have exactly the same experience with my N100H.

I then restart it with a long press on the Play button on my iPad. and the SQ returns to glorious after that and this works every time. I don’t think it is a modem/router issue. It probably needs to just clear its memory cache.
Anyway, try rebooting both and see what works. 

Hope this helps.
jon2020 has an excellent suggestion above. 

In addition, I suggest you delete the Aurender Conductor App from your iPad and reinstall it.  This will ensure you have the most current version and all its updates.