Auralic Aries G1.1

I am using the Matrix Element S for wireless streaming to my Lampizator connected via AES. I would be very interested in feedback from those of you who have the Auralic Aries G1.1


Ag insider logo xs@2xletitbe1306

Showing 2 responses by jond

Hi there I have the Aries G1 but not the 1.1 chiming in nonetheless. I love the Aries it is super quiet and very reliable I run mine off wifi and no issues to speak of, just great sounding music. I also very much enjoy the LDS control app which is constantly being updated. I am running mine into a Yamamoto YDA-1 Dac I’m sure it would pair well with your Lampizator.

Also @tammyholt can you tell me how to post images on here? I used to be able to copy/paste them but that no longer works.

@letitbe1306 yes totally compatible with Tidal connect.


@tammyholt perhaps I am crazy I’ve been able to copy/paste images before. Also the process for images doesn’t seem to work for me. I just clicked the image icon and pasted my URL and nothing happened.