anyone know what happened to the moscode 402?

I saw the the 402 and and 402p at the show. The website does not mention it.
The 402 is alive and well.
Some of our parts are custom and have a long lead time.

We will be at RMAF '08 with a deal to attendees. We will be pairing the Moscode 402Au with the new VonSchweikert Unifield 3 speakers and offering a special show price for the pair.

The 402Au, Au for Gold, will have new and improved circuit design, the tubes are now shifted in position for a shorter signal path that also allowed us to change and improve the grounding scheme. The power supply has been improved and we are now using gold trace in our circuit boards. We have improved cosmetics a bit as well as some other minor changes.

The introductory price for the 401HR has expired. The NEW 402Au will retail at $6495.

We are also expanding into dealers now. Have your local dealer contact us.

G. Rommel
vp Moscode Corp.
Update - Update - Update
The Moscode 402Au will be paired with
the Von Schweikert VR-5 SE Reference Speakers in
room 468.
Come in and listen!
The first review of the Moscode 402au of which I am aware.