Anyone going to see the Police?

The prices for decent seats at some of these shows is staggering. That said, I cannot miss them, they are one of my favorite bands of all time. It was really good seeing them play together at the Grammy's. Anyway, just thought I'd see what everyone thought of the tour.
I agree with many here, the Grammy gig sucked, every time I hear a live cut it sucks and I cant imagine them being better after all these years, hell the last new release was in 86 and it was a remake of "Dont Stand So Close to Me". I would rather tell folks to buy everything they ever issued, wich in total still costs less then 2 cheap seats and enjoy them at home. I also wonder if their ego's wont again clash and tank the tour early. Also get the feeling that they might put new twists on material to satisfy their "artistic" nature and it would make for a huge let down for folks who want to hear the soundtrack of their youth.
1. I was living in Europe when this Police-thing happened and when I returned I could not understand all of the hype.

2. A huge venue can only be done well by a precious few bands (Dave Mathews being one of them).

3. If you really like the Police then buy the concert DVD and you get what you want,
Unclejeff, I too was living in Europe (London) when the Police broke onto the scene. Although my take is different than yours, as I believe they can easily play a large venue and do it extremely well. I've seen both the Police and Dave Mathews in large venues and I thought the Police smoked DMB. I suppose it's a matter of opinion.

If the Police come to Atlanta, I'll be there regardless of the price.
In the summer of '82 you couldn't swing a dead cat at a radio dial without hearing something off Syncronicity. There was a never a more over-hyped song than Ring Around Your Finger. Even though I was only 13 at the time, to this day I can't stand the Police.
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