Anybody out there re-cantilever their cartridge with a Soundsmith Contact Line diamond ?

The cantilever on my Dynavector 20x2 is damaged. Dynavector wants X number of dollars to exchange it. Then I read about Soundsmith's rebuild option, which is intriguing. A feature aspect of their cantilever rebuild is their Contact Line Diamond stylus as opposed to Dynavector's Micro Ridge Nude diamond.


"The Soundsmith Contact Line diamond stylus has three times the contact area in the vertical direction of the groove wall compared to an elliptical shaped diamond".


I thought I was in the clear, but now I'm informed that a Contact Line Diamond stylus with three times the contact area, picks up a ton of surface noise off the record. So much so that the surface noise can become forward on all but the most pristine records. So much so that the surface noise becomes intrusive.


Anyone out there had a Soundsmith modification done to their cartridge, if so which option had you had done, and what's been your expience?

Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear  @fourwnds  : the Reference one stylus shape is a special elipthical Grado design, so  you can expect that its sound could be the same.
In the other side it depends who made the re-tipping and with which kind of cantilever and stylus. It's a little weird what you said and probably the re-tipper made not a good job because if it's true that the re-tipped cartridge does not sounds as the originaal normally sounds pretty good but different when your ears are accustom to what you listen through in the past.

Anyway, that Air Tigth cartridge is a different matters and for it the best is to go directly with Air Tigth.

My advise is that with top LOMC cartridges we have to go direct with the manufacturer and not a re-tipper.

Dear @jsbail  : Normally when we have not the kind of money that the manufacturer ask for a replacement damaged  cartridge then the best option is to look for a re-tipper and Soundsmith is very well regarded and you will preserve the more important part: the cartridge motor that no rettiper can modified.

Yes, you re-tipped cartridge will not sound exactly the same as the original but will performs just great. Don't worry about that post that came from a seller.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,