a BAD BAD Day for Digital

I brought both my transports to a local electronics TV VCR handyman to cut the captive cord on my Procced PDT3 transport and install a removable IEC type and to check if he could fix a non working display on an Audiomeca Mephisto.

Well the Mephisto now wont remain powered on and now my Proceed wont lock onto the Genesis DIgital Lens or my Audilogic DAC. I rememeber a thread a week or so ago where another member stated that there is digital info fed in from the ac ground.?? Could it be possible this person miswired the IEC?? Any thoughts or hints would help, as I need to bring my stuff back to him and give the best direction on what to look at to remedy this problem.

thanks all

Showing 1 response by j_thunders

Just listen, are you certain you think it's a good idea to take it back to that place? Sounds like a chop shop to me; even if not, his battin' avg. is low low low. The proceed is one thing, might not have been so easy to test before lettin it out the door. That genesis is another entirely, and should not have left the shop like that, I don't think. I'd be awfully tempted to forego my claim to warranty on the repair and look for a new shop-that is unless you think he can make good this time Remember, you gotta live with the results long term, where he's just turnin the one time trick.