845 integrateds

I only know of a few. ASL, Unison, viva. Any others that I should consider?
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Art Audio Carissa with passive volume pot, See link.


Also the deHavilland Ios.

Joe Fratus and Art Audio are outstanding. Amazing customer support and service. The build quality of thier components is first rate and the sonics of the Carissa is wonderful.

I have the deHavilland UltraVerve. Kara Chaffee of deHavilland is also great to work with.

If you are looking at 845 amps I would strongly recommend that you check these companies out. Strong customer support and service will help you enjoy what you purchase even more. Good luck.

New Audio Frontiers is hands down the best. expensive (14K) but worth every penny.
I second the Bel Canto 845 integrated. And I think any SET from Art Audio would be awesome.