2 runs of wires or 1 run w/ jumpers

I am considering trying Anti Cables level 3 7' speaker wires. Am I better off using 1 set of wires with jumpers or running 2 sets of 7' wires?

Showing 1 response by zephyr24069

Agree with JMC and others on multiple points; it's a factor of the wire you choose. Having spent several years with full shotgun (double) runs, I can tell you that it can work VERY well for you as the lower effective gauge of a full shotgun run will reap dividends assuming the cable itself will pass the full frequency range well and there is time coherence (very important) across the shotgun.....I see mention of AQ Gibraltar; case in point, I had 4 very long runs of that cable for my HT LS/RS and LSB/RSB speakers and enjoyed what it brought very much however if I used it to wire mains and had no other choice, I'd run it shotgun for personal reasons. My main question is why not go for a better single run of cable and matching jumpers? This is a combination I've gone to over the last few years and won't be looking back...