
Responses from stuartk

Was 1971 the high point of popular music?
@tony1954 We were lucky to have been there in the beginning in the late 60’s and early 70’s, but maybe unlucky in that we developed very high standards in what constituted good music. It also gave us a broad spectrum of musical genres to enjoy ... 
Was 1971 the high point of popular music?
@moonwatcher  But this body of work is out there, waiting for future generations to discover and love.  I believe some of them will stand the test of time just as classical compositions have after hundreds of years. If something is "good" I thin... 
Jazz for aficionados
@curiousjim Good question. I don’t enjoy many K. Jarrett recordings for the same reason. Of course, in some circles, such a statement is liable to provoke a similar reaction to ramming a stick into a hornet’s nest!      
Was 1971 the high point of popular music?
@moonwatcher  But I think my interest in jazz (from all eras) is a reflection that rock is dead.  I was led to Jazz by "jazzy" Rock and by the fact that I grew bored with Rock's melodic and harmonic limitations. The liner noted in one of the m... 
Hegel H390 DAC
@audphile1 I’m trying to be systematic. I didn’t mention that I retrieved my old Jolida tube cdp out of a closet and tried it as both a transport and cdp into the Hegel. In these scenarios, the sound was worse, rather than better. I will repor... 
Was 1971 the high point of popular music?
@tablejockey I can enjoy the Bros. Johnson version because I like the SONG. I still prefer Shuggie’s version! @czarivey some folks sayin that 70s music best, some sayin 60s music and some sayin 80’s, but i really don’t understand them at all... 
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister  ...but to change the way we look by forgetting any abstract theory and learn how to look before and behind our ego ...   How very "Zen" !  
Hegel H390 DAC
@audphile1  about staying with one brand of cable…it’s totally up to you but it isn’t necessarily always the best approach I don't disagree as a general approach but for my current "forensic" purposes , I'd prefer to stick with just one brand ... 
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister  "There is a Japanese visual art in which the artist is forced to be spontaneous. He must paint on a thin stretched parchment with a special brush and black water paint in such a way that an unnatural or interrupted stroke will destroy... 
Hegel H390 DAC
@audphile1 Thanks for your comments. Please note that La Voce is SS, not tube. Only La Scala is tube in the Aqua line up. All cabling is Audio Art Statement. @jjss49 has offered to lend me some other cables. I prefer to start the experiment wit... 
Have we lost civility and respect on Audio forums?
Many excellent points and observations, here!     
Hegel H390 DAC
@audphile1  Thanks for your Kimber suggestion.  The Hegel's DAC loop requires two digital bnc cables and one XLR. I must use XLR for it to work.   
Hegel H390 DAC
@jjss49 Yes, sir -- only CDs for me! Thanks for your generosity in taking the time to look into the Aqua's topology, for the tips on cabling and last but not least, your kind offer re: cable loan. (FYI, the DAC Loop requires two bnc cables and... 
Was 1971 the high point of popular music?
For some, no doubt. I can't pick one year between say, '67 and '77...     
Hegel H390 DAC
Before checking out other dacs, I’m going to try the Aqua inserted into the Hegel’s dac loop. My hope is that the Hegel’s clocking and anti- jitter capacities will ensure the smoothness I’m currently enjoying with its onboard dac will remain but a...