
Responses from snapsc

Rules of getting best audio ? maybe..
Rule #9  It is unlikely you will end up with the system of your dreams with the first round of purchases out of the gate... it’s gonna take some tweaking. So... don’t spend all of your budget on round one or you will be disappointed that you can’t... 
How will the COVID-19 pandemic affect sites like Audiogon?
People, companies and markets prefer certainty as a prerequisite to substantial buying and investment. We are are at least a few weeks and probably longer for enough certainty to give people some level of comfort. As a result, the purchase of big ... 
Happy Scale
Is it possible there is something else at work here?  We put a system together and it’s an 8 or 9. Time goes on, we hear things wrong and it moves to a 7 then a 6 and then we upgrade. The new system/upgrade moves back to a 8/9 and then the cycle s... 
The craziness of the circumstances suggest it will be a good time for buyers with jobs and/or cash to make a better than normal deal. As for the dream... it seems that the dream may be about food and toilet paper..not audio equipment? 
May not be correct but I suspect that with many people being laid off and the country focused on the virus... luxury, hobby, and/or big ticket purchases will also be delayed for a while.  
Questions about using audiogon to sell 1st time
Email Tammy at audiogon and she will explain how it works and your protection.  Here is her email. [email protected] advise... detailed pictures, full disclosure, accurate descriptions, reasonable pricing, good packaging...and take pi... 
Selling on Audiogon
There are brands/items that people want to buy and selling them is easy... go to Audio Circle and page through the trading posts ads and you will see what has sold.... 50-70% of retail is realistic. Everything else (the less desirable items) isn’t... 
Thinking about swapping out my Class D SDS-470C for a pair of Schiit Aegir on Magnepan LRS
Here is a quote from an LRS owner over on audio circle and then a link to the thread and then another link to the amp. "I run a pair of the new Maggie LRS’s. And they are VERY demanding speakers. All three amps I have used on them, I have driven t... 
You could work for any manufacturer, past or present...
Hmmm, working in this space would probably ruin the hobby for me. But, if I had to make a choice, since so many companies have turned over or gone away, I might opt for stability... so maybe magnepan... and it helps that they make a great product ... 
Who else here is frugal?
What happens when your desire for great sound is thwarted by your desire to be frugal? 
Whatta Ya Think About Hsu Research Subwoofers?
Speakers that can produce deep bass often run in to the problem of real world rooms that have peaks and nulls. Multiple subs are a way around this... and once you experience the ambience created by deep bass, even at low volumes, you won’t want to... 
The best tweeter is no tweeter
I heard the Vaughn Cabernet Line Array with their ion tweeter at the Florida Audio Expo...sounded great and not even a hint of post lightening ion smell..Jim (Jordan) said that the ion smell/possible health problems had been resolved and as he beg... 
Buchardt S400 Special Edition speakers -- any impressions?
@whitestixCongrats on the is interesting how these guys seemed to come out of the clear blue offering products that pretty much everyone agrees sound really good.How would you describe the size of the soundstage comparison with the ... 
Audiophile Bass?
I suspect that bass has different meanings to different people.  There is the bass of the kettle drum in a symphony that has both tone and impact (this may be the tight clean bass that is referenced?).  There is the bass at a club that goes boom, ... 
Speakers Don’t Matter As Much As We Think They Do?
The process all starts with a room, a budget and a "sound" you are trying to achieve.  You buy the gear you think will give you the sound you want and when you bring it home and set it up in your room, you get your answer.Most likely, its not perf...