

Responses from shkong78

To horn or not to horn
https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/giant-custom-horn-systems-how-they-sound-and-issues-with-sonics.25071/ I would like to have a vintage big horn system in my home.But it will be costly and time consuming to get the sound I want.Thomas 
What would you do if items from Ebay had beenlost?
I dropped at PO again about 20 minutes ago.The guy who was supposed to deliver the package on Saturday works par time and will be back on only this coming Saturday.But Postmaster will speak to him before then to find out what happened. 
Need help replacing my beloved Magnepan....
https://www.audiogon.com/listings/lisa1104-avalon-acoustics-arcus-full-range This listing will expire pretty soon.But you can still contact seller.I had used Avalon Ascent II after using Apogee Duetta.Avalon give very transparent and refined so... 
Best Amp With Some Warmth and Midrange Magic To Pair With The RAAL Requsite SR1a's?
best budget amp/preamp for B&W 805 D3s
You may try Schitt Freya pre and Crown Xls 2502 to drive your speaker.I drove power hungry Raal Sr1a headphone by Crown Xls 2502 with good result.It sounds very fast and exciting without hot edge.But Freya will give some warmth to the sound.You ca... 
What would you do if items from Ebay had beenlost?
I dropped at local post office this morning to explain what happened.He traced the scanned location of delivery to the alley between my house and neighbor.Usually they scanned it in front of my front door which is 100 ft from the alley. Thus he as... 
What would you do if items from Ebay had beenlost?
I have another thing coming tomorrow.I hope that they deliver them together.Otherwise I will drop at local Post office.My town is small so there are only two or three delivery men so it may be easier to trace the lost packages. I will also ask "s... 
What would you do if items from Ebay had beenlost?
Thanks a lot Gentleman!I will wait until Monday to see what happens!Then I will contact Ebay dealer.The last resort will be Paypal dispute resolution. 
Full tube amp under $1600
Used Rogue Magnum II+1 I am listening to Raal Sr1a headphone (3500$ top quality  but power hungry) through Rogue Magnum II.It sound wonderful after some tube rolling. 
Reliablity , Support ,Repair of the Lyngdorf TDAI-2170 ?
If you get problem with Lyngdorf 2170, then you shall send it to Denmark.But I have not had any issues with my Lyngdorf 2170 for the last 2 years.It was well made machine.Thomas 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
Yes they are good enough for most use.But 500$ cables makes significant difference if your system is revealing.I had tried 2k$ power cable in my system.It makes sound slightly more refined and detailed than 500$ Synergistic Blue power cable.But I ... 
Modest SS amplifier for secondary system
https://www.crownaudio.com/en/products/xls-2502 I am using two of them bridged to drive my 18 inch subwoofers.Before that I used one of them to drive Raal Sr1a headphone which require 150 Watts or more.Although this is a  class D amp not genera... 
New Totl Headphone amp
Hi DanIt is nice to hear from you again.By the way, I may need your advice on good tech person in tube amplifier nearby.Thomas 
Need some Tube and Class A SS Suggestions
I know a person who drive D9 with Line Magnetic 805 SET amp with satisfaction. https://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/spendor-d7-speakers.717289/page-12#post-23429895 His nickname is "Freesole" 
Suggestions for Integrated amp.
If you want to downsize, Lyngdorf 2170 or 3400 will be Dac and int amplifier.It can also be used digital crossover for subwoofer.Overall it sound decent at reasonable price.Some of them are also available as used.Thomas