

Responses from sfseay

Class D is just Dandy!
Recommended Components: 2017 Edition Integrated Amps & ReceiversRead more at https://www.stereophile.com/content/recommended-components-2017-edition-integrated-amps-receivers#6e... Sterophile has two picked two “Class D” integrated amps to rec... 
Is there a better integrated amp than the Cary SI-300.2d for the money?
Classe claims it isn’t standard Class D, and they designed their own amplifier. They have a white paper out that explains the technical details. Also, look at the Stereophile review to get some insight. I bought a used demo so I got a good price. ... 
Is there a better integrated amp than the Cary SI-300.2d for the money?
Classe Classe claims it isn’t standard Class D, and they designed their own amplifier.  They have a white paper out that explains the technical details.  Also, look at the Stereophile review to get some insight.  I bought a used demo so I got a go... 
Is there a better integrated amp than the Cary SI-300.2d for the money?
I just purchased the Classe Sigma 2200i integrated not long ago. Steroophile gave it an “A” rating and I’m ver happy with it. I’m looking forward to using the room equalization features, but can’t speak to the quality of the onboarrd DAC.The ampli... 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
Ear witness testimony just to like eye witness testimony is often wrong, and people hear what they want to hear based on the amount of money spent on cables, fuses, power cords, etc.  Why do you think the big magazines never to an A/B test with th... 
Schiit Eitr with Aurender N100H
If I connect the Eitr between my Aurender N100H and my Auralic Vega won’t I lose the capability to play DSD files since the Auralic only processes DSD via the USB port? 
Class D is just Dandy!
Proof maybe in the listening, but what you hear may be vastly different from what I hear even if we are sitting in the same room listening to the same equipment.   
Class D is just Dandy!
I'm happy everyone's hears what they hear.  I don't believe anyone's hearing opinion when it comes to "audiophile gear".  I believe only mine. 
Class D is just Dandy!
@mdeblanc - I used the power cables that came with the amps.  I don't put much stock in swapping power cables.  It is never been proven they impact sound and people claim they hear a difference but in blind tests they can't.  Their ears fail them ... 
PS Audio NEW Huron Firware upgrade. 😩😫😩
One mans opinion is next to meaningless 
Class D is just Dandy!
I sold my McIntosh amp and bought a pair of Auralic Merak Mono-blocks. I would not go back to a McIntosh amplifier. 
Class D is just Dandy!
soundsrealaudio - are you making a point or are you just a troll?  Ignorance is bliss, but ignorance shared is usually unwelcome. 
Class D = Trash?
guidocoronaSo you are saying you have spent over 19,000 hours burning in and doing interval listening to all the above amps while discerning audible changes at regular intervals?  LOL...I don't believe everything I hear, and especially everything ... 
Class D = Trash?
The 1000 hours is urban legend with no basis in science or audible difference to a golden ear. 
Class D is just Dandy!
georgehifiI shouldn't have bought them since my main goal was to upgrade the speakers.  I have too much equipment right now and need to Get rid of some excess stuff.  I really like the Meraks and will have to determine what stays and what goes.