
Responses from rtilden

Which Super Integrated Amp to drive planars?
Kiwi:Please keep us posted as to how your system sounds with the CSi. As I recall, CODA determined that the higher wattage taps on the transformer (same as used in the CX amp) were not advisable for the integrated; thus they used the lower taps an... 
Which Super Integrated Amp to drive planars?
Kiwi:I'm glad you asked some specifics about the CODA CSi Limited Edition, since it does indeed fly under the radar of most US audiophiles. I will try to answer your questions as best I can, and explain to you my approach which led to my purchase.... 
Which Super Integrated Amp to drive planars?
I have been using the CODA CSi Limited Edition since last June and love it from top to bottom. It drives my Tyler Woodmere 2's with ease (4 ohm load, occasionally dropping to 2 ohms; 87db claimed sensitivity). The CODA CSi Limited Edition has neve... 
Audio Dropping Out on Rega Apollo and Saturn
In my case, I had trouble duplicating any specific problem, which made me wonder if the problem was user error or player related. Only a CD with a healthy scratch would act up the same way twice. All told, I have experienced probably 15 different ... 
Audio Dropping Out on Rega Apollo and Saturn
Wkass:Occasionally, My Saturn does drop out the audio. It may occur intermittently several times and either correct itself or drop out altogether. Although rarely, this has occurred on discs which had minor a minor scratch, and also on discs which... 
Audio Dropping Out on Rega Apollo and Saturn
Fillmoor's comments regarding the Saturn match mine exactly. I typically play a disc from beginning to end without any skipping back and forth, which probably translates to one initialization error in 15-20 discs. Opening the top, rotating the dis... 
Do You Remember Your First CD Player?
Yep, Rega Saturn. Just bought it 6 months ago. I stuck with my turntable rig I've owned since the 1980's (SOTA/SME). Just got married and we (she) needed the convenience of CD's, since she was not allowed to touch my turntable rig! I can't believe... 
Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?
Rega Saturn 
Any ideas in speaker choices would be great
Good job, Growler. While in college, I jammed my DQ-10's into my apartment bedroom, rejecting the notion that they were too big. At the time, I had to listen from my bed! I soon discovered my most fruitful pickup line for the college chicks: "Want... 
Any ideas in speaker choices would be great
I can recommend Tyler speakers, such as the Linnbrook Signature. I currently own the Woodmere 2 speakers, which are very nice, although a bit out of your price range. I loved my old DQ-10's, as they did sooooo much right. The footprint of the Tyle... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
My buddy has been running a Threshold 400A since he purchased it new back in the late '70's (powering modified Dahlquist DQ-10's). He runs it every day, and the only problem has been the replacement of the power switch (really a circuit breaker). ... 
What is the best 2-way Magnepan ever made ?
Have any of you Magnepan experts heard the Tympani 1D or the Tympani 3A? These were fantastic speakers from the '70's and '80's which always impressed me back then. I was wondering how they would compare to the sound of the newer ones. 
What to replace DQ-10s with?
Back in the '80's, I cut my teeth on the DQ10s, and I really liked the Randall Research modification back then. After a few years I "upgraded" to the Quad ESL63s, along with the Spectral amp and preamp. I loved the Quads until I played my first bo... 
Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear
Mr. Splittie:From your description, I have indeed guessed that you and i share the same profession: 'Dictators' of the household! But at only 2 hours per day, you are still in training by my standards!Seriously, though, kudos to you for focusing o... 
Record Shops in UK
I'm not sure, but I think that David12 just called us (americans) 'colonials'!! Mr. 12, are you a direct descendant of King George??? Although I'm in the analog crowd and routinely considered to be outdated in my thinking, I'm afraid that you abso...