
Responses from ronboco

Advice for bookshelf speakers
Focal kanta 1 and the Kanta center channel would be worth an audition. Good luck !  
That sound is right for me.
I believe the op is asking which preamps and amps on the market would meet or exceed the quality of the diy components in the video.   
Boulder 2160 vs Dan D'Agostino S250MxV
Not sure what to think or do...
My speakers took about 3-4 months to fully break in. Yours might need more time to loosen up. Good luck!  
Wiring 2 outlets to 2 dedicated 20 amp circuits with a single 10/3 electrical wire.
@jea48  So the bottom line is each circuit should have its own breaker in the panel right?     
Potential upgrade path…
@backdoor  Do you have a space to build a dedicated room or an unused room that would work? Don’t assume your larger speakers won’t work in a smallish  room. My room is considered small but my Avior ii speakers sound amazing in it. I had Jeff at ... 
DAC league table
Another vote for the node. You will like the BluOS app. Good luck !   
Zu for Pass Labs?
@superelmar  It looks like the Rockport Atria is in the same price range of the Audio Physic and ATC speakers. Have you auditioned the Atria or the Avior ii ?  
Zu for Pass Labs?
@superelmar  What are the really expensive speakers you said you have listened to?   
Where does "MidFi" differ from "HiFi" or "LOFI"?
Interesting thread. I’d like to see what brands everyone thinks should go into each category.   
If there was only ONE album/cd/release you can listen to, over and over.............
+1 Boston!   
Joseph Audio: Perspectives and Pearls
@thr1961  If you are considering the pearls I highly recommend auditioning Rockport Avior ii speakers as well. You will be glad you did. A truly amazing speaker! Happy listening ! Ron  
Why are there so many wooden box speakers out there?
@kenjit   Everyone would love to see your system. It seems obvious you won’t list it but the question is why not? We all enjoy looking at other peoples systems that’s part of the fun on this forum.  It doesn’t matter what level it’s at.   
Has anyone listened to or auditioned Verity's new Arindale speaker ?
@garebear  I would love to hear the Verity speakers to see how they compare to my Rockport Avior ii. Have you auditioned the Rockports and Verity’s ? If so which one did you like better? Happy listening ! Ron  
Mid-fi tube vs high-end SS