

Responses from ozzy62

Vintage tube sound from a modern amp
Cary Audio for sure. If you want warm, syrupy and romantic I’d recommend the SLI-80 or the SLP-98. Way too much for me.  
Open Baffle Experience
  secretguy 1,106 posts 11-12-2022 at 04:25pm  This site desperately needs an eyeroll emoji.   🙄  
What Gear Has Disappointed You?
Sonic Frontiers Power 2 Meadowlark Audio Shearwater HR VAC PA 100/100 Aerial Acoustics 7T Roman Audio Centurion McCormack DNA-2 Cary Audio SLI-80   Those are some that come to mind right away.        
Tube Amp for Devore O/96
@atmasphere Classy as usual……..👍        
Sonus Faber Lumina 5 vs Klipsch Forte IV
If you feed klipsch with good stuff, you will reap good music. They take a little more care to set up, but once dialed in are excellent performers. And the best part is you can use a proper low powered tube amp as God himself intended.  
Phone preamp question
yogiboy 4,713 posts 10-16-2022 at 01:57pm  A phono preamp and a passive preamp does not have enough voltage to use with an amp directly. You need an active preamp!     Bzzzzzt…..wrong. But thanks for playing.   I have been using phono... 
Can someone help me pick out my first speakers?
Wow, six posts removed on the first day.   
The one time you want to pull out but she says no.
Klipsch forte sound good closer to the wall. Look at the Forte IV.  
Franco Serbin Accordos after one month.....
@roxy54    LoL…….😉  
This place is getting sloooooooweeeerrr......
@nonoise  Was that directed at me?   If so, no it’s not the internet speed. I work for a billion dollar company that has a very stringent firewall and security measures in place. This gets updated from time to time. Some sites are blocked entir... 
Zu Dirty Weekend 6 went on sale today
25 x 18 is a pretty large space. I’m not surprised you are slightly underwhelmed with the bass extension. Makes perfect sense to me.  
This place is getting sloooooooweeeerrr......
I’m pretty sure the security policy at work has changed and is causing this. Almost unusable now. All is fine on my phone and my tablet.  
Revel Salon 2 vs Vandersteen 5a Carbon
But how do you really feel……?  
This place is getting sloooooooweeeerrr......
It’s not my provider. I am using the LAN at work, lightning fast. All other sites are fine. This one is slow to load the page and frequently tries to reload. A fresh reboot did nothing. There is definitely something going on, has only been this wa... 
This place is getting sloooooooweeeerrr......
All is good with every other site. Pages here are slow to load and time out sometimes. Frequently stalls and reloads. No issues on phone or ipad.