

Responses from ozzy62

CD no more produced?
If Tidal doesn’t sound exactly like a seedee in your rig, something is definitely amiss if you have the 20/month hi-if subscription. It should and does in my system.As a side note, our local Barnes and noble completely did away with all cds. Only ... 
Take a chance on Piegas?
Years ago I had a pair of Piega P10s. An absolutely wonderful speaker. I can understand why you are smitten with those.Oz 
Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"
Just to be clear, there’s a lot of difference between 96 dB and 100 dB.Oz 
OMG OMG OMG Harbeth M30.1 INCOMING!!!A Few Questions For Owners
I’m sure I’m not alone when I say, I wish you could be a little more excited......... 
BUY Bryston!!!!!
That’s good service indeed. Only problem is, unfortunately it still sounds like a Bryston.Oz 
Line Magnetic quality
Stupid troll is stupid......... 
Klipsch Klipschorn speakers
I have a pair of 1976 klipschorns with updated volti audio crossovers. These 40+ yr old speakers have no right to do the things they do. I would put them up against modern speakers several times what I paid. And I have owned many (and I do mean MA... 
Capitol Audio Fest and the New York Audio a trend is emmerging
My thoughts? Punctuation is your friend........... 
I need to know what ive got!?
This thread rocks 🤙Would read again.......... 
... thoughts on Taylor Swift's REPUTATION CD...
Newbies........ Nothing like 'em.... 
Young and Dangerous - Album Review (long)
Good job n80. And I concur with your last point.Oz 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
Once again, as I sit here and bask in the glory of klipschorn, I just chuckle a little at the absurdity of this thread.Oz 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
, but..... Paul Klipsch didn't think so and created the center channel known as the Heresy. Klipscorns don't need a center channel in a room <21 ft. or so wide. PWK knew this too.Mine image as well as cones in boxes do. I don't need your valida... 
Line Magnetic quality
Mind me asking, why did you sell it? As much as I liked it, it wasn't a perfect match for my khorns. I ended up with a Decware Torii II which has a richer tone and not quite as forward.That said, the LM has balls for days and will easily wake up... 
Line Magnetic quality
I had a 518ia for about a year and a half, recently sold it. Build quality is excellent and so are the sonics. I wouldn't hesitate to own one again.Oz