
Responses from oneobgyn

KhrysWould love to meet you. keep in touch and let me know when you are planning to be in the Bay Area 
"I don't casually let _anyone_ I don't know over for just a listen to my system, much less some internet yokel that wants to invite himself and his speakers over for an agenda driven comparison."Hi SamuelI too am a Wilson owner--have been for the ... 
Is the EMM DAC6e or DCC2 /CDSD the best out there?
"The number of EMM dacs currently for sale on Audiogon (8?) might lead one to believe that it isn't "the best out there."IMO that is a somewhat far stretched assumption on your part. 
Room Acoustics
"Working on your room acoustics is probably one of the most important things you can do to improve the sound of your system."I would go so far as to say that room acoustics is "THE" most important thing you can do to improve the sound of your system. 
Room Acoustics
another approach that I did was to use the people at http://www.acousticsciences.comAll you ned to do is to provide them with photos of your room with measurement and where you are sitting and where your speakers and gear is.They will then provide... 
Review: Wilson Audio X-2 Alexandria Speaker
Here is a quick link to info on the speaker 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
"I think commenting on brands, the reviews of brands, and the rooms in context is well within subject material that should be considered."KeithI agree with you completely. The room is always an integral part if not "THE" most integral part of any ... 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
GuidoPerhaps I am too simple a person here or are you just missing the point?To me it is very simple. If your system uses balanced interconnects that is the option you select on the remote control and if you are using SE interconnects, this is wha... 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
Simply put......The deficiency that Guido heard was a human error based on his activating SE and not balanced outputs on the Ref 3. It has nothing to do with a fully balanced system. Having said this however I rest assured that Guido is going to l... 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
I disagree. IMO you had a REF 3 using balanced cables and not SE cables. Switching to SE with the remote resulted in faulty signal. I am surprised that you even heard any sound at all 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
GuidoI understand completely what you did with the remote. There is a button that determines SE vs balanced. Your demo was running balanced cables but you hit the SE button which reduced the gain in your system demo. I am not even certain because ... 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
"What Guidocorona said was that he had the wrong setting for the type of I.C. that he was using. You don't set it for S.E. and then use balanced cables or set it for balanced and then use single ended cables."Guido as much as I am a believer in th... 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
C'mon guys.Now it is getting into a pissing contestIt is as I said before a flavor thing and all of us should be happy with what rocks our sonic boat.Ref 3 for some. ACT 2 for others and Aesthetix for still others.Whatever works is OK. 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
"I am just happy that we have the choice between fine components such as the REF3 and ACT2."I totally agree. 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
"What would OneObGin prescribe to palliate our growing anxiety and discomfort, while we wait for the great bird from the North to land on our roofs and deliver our tubed bundle of joy?"I would recommend reading the book "What To Expect When You Ar...