

Responses from noromance

UP-OCC solid core copper for speaker cable
Duvallite, 12 might give fuller bass. Certainly if you use big amps and like to go loud. 
Clear Day Cables Speaker Cables
Milpai, my old cables were 14 gauge mains solid core paralleled with a pair from CAT6. They were smooth and musical with good snap and air. The Clear Day were not as good for me. The new UPOCC are very good. 
UP-OCC solid core copper for speaker cable
Ghosthouse, they replaced my other homemade cables made up of 14 gauge mains wire paralleled with a pair from CAT6 which replaced ClearDay solid silver cables. 
Clear Day Cables Speaker Cables
I tried the Shotguns on loan after reading the rave reviews. I ran them in for a week. There were aspects of the sound that were promising such as a semblance of airy transparency. However the music wasn't flowing for me in my turntable/tube setup... 
Tube Friendly High End "Big" speakers
Not that big a room. Save a lot of $ with these. On the Gon now.http://app.audiogon.com/listings/full-range-acoustic-zen-technologies-crescendo-blemish-free-ebony-finish-2014-09-26-speakers-22624-clear-brook-vaReviewhttp://www.theabsolutesound.com... 
Granite surface plate
I use 3 x granite block samples as feet for my turntable. (They are about 4" x 4" x 1.5") I decouple the plinth from the blocks with brass compression rings on their side. See my system pics. This way there is no granite ringing but there is excel... 
Has Anyone Found Shunyata Cables Sounding Thin?
++ Douglas 
easier to drive specifically Harbeth v Vandersteen
++ Harbeth. Imaging and midband are fantastic. 
Stylus cleaner
+ magic eraser. 
VAC amps and Focal Grand Utopias at $195k a pair
In fairness, maybe the amps and source were to blame... 
VAC amps and Focal Grand Utopias at $195k a pair
Fair enough. I never heard them on the couple of times I went in, having as good a midband as the Nolas, the bass of the Zu Audios or the highs and imaging of the Harbeths. At a $1/3 million, they should have it all. 
VAC amps and Focal Grand Utopias at $195k a pair
Me neither. Recessed midband, lack of air. Flabby bass. 
New Vandersteen oil cooled hybrid amplifiers
Oil doesn't cause oxidization. The point is to keep the transistors cooled. I heard them and they were very good. 
That "tube sound" and power ratings
Look, solid state uses electron junctions that are squished inside doped silicon. In tubes, electrons are free and happy. All Watts are the same ;-) 
What makes Telefunken tubes sound better?
Schubert means inclusive by income and trade rather than by immigrant status. He is right in that Americans are fearful for their futures, obsessed with pension funds and healthcare costs, crime and the IRS. The American social model is about indi...