
Responses from mlsstl

Reviews - Your Pet Peaves
There are at least twol reasons to read reviews of equipment you've already bought. First, if you are like most on this forum, audio is one of your hobbies.  You enjoy reading on the subject, whether it involves stuff you already own, items you'r... 
The new LSA Signature 50 Monitor "Disruptive Product"
@grislybutter  Weird... you say "let's put aside the design" and.....  then you complain about the design. Sorry you didn't like the speakers you bought from them. You didn't say which model, but many of their speakers have garnered good reviews... 
The new LSA Signature 50 Monitor "Disruptive Product"
@grislybutter -- well, I'd agree that the web site design has a strong scent of amateurishness, but then I've seen endless numbers of web sites over the years that fall in that camp.  Underwood has been around for many years and seems to be doing ... 
The new LSA Signature 50 Monitor "Disruptive Product"
@grislybutter -- explain what?  It's an online retailer that sells audio gear. Some of it is from other manufacturers, and some of the gear is their own house brand - LSA.   
Its not vinyl
From a slightly different viewpoint, in most of the LP v. Digital comparisons one reads, they are comparing a commercial LP against the CD version, or perhaps a download or stream.  Particularly with classic rock material, the two releases are oft... 
Conrad Johnson LP66s Problems
Sounds like it may be more than just a bad tube, ESPECIALLY when you say three different sets of tubes exhibit the same problematic behavior. I had an Image 65i (with 6550 outputs) a few years back in which, when one tube went bad, took out the b... 
To hot or not ???????????
If you look at the back panel of your amp, on the left side toward the bottom, you'll see it's maximum rated draw is 12 amps.  Your TV an sub should also have their max draw figures on them, so you can add them all together and see if they exceed... 
Hey - What Happened to the Beware of Viking Acoustics Thread
In reading this and the WBF forum thread, I consider myself a reasonably neutral party. One big thing that stands out to me is that Viking keeps blaming the broken speakers they received back on the customer when the customer says he used the very... 
Upsizing Capacitors
For tube amps, it is not a good idea to stray from the original capacitance values for the power supply. You can damage the amp. Higher voltage values are OK, though. For solid state amps, things generally aren't quite as sensitive, but you can s... 
Indentical measurments = Identical performance?
The one thing I haven't seen mentioned is that most, if not all measurements are static. A sine wave (or two in the case of IM distortion) is fed into the device and deviations from the input are noted, or a power output recorded, etc.  However, ... 
Did you notice....
I'm with @sns -- years ago I spent several weeks comparing, back-to-back, synced and level-matched, CDs against my local rips of the same material.  I was never able to tell a difference.  Then, about three years ago, I added a Qobuz subscription ... 
Phono Preamplifier Redux .. Damn This is Getting Expensive
You've gotten some good suggestions on better isolating your turntable from feedback. If it were me, I'd want to have that issue settled before chasing some new electronics. One other last comment from me -- there is the possibility that this car... 
Phono Preamplifier Redux .. Damn This is Getting Expensive
Question -- when you chose the Hana ML cartridge, what did you hear that convinced you to buy it over another cartridge?  Also, what phono preamp was being used at the time?  The easiest suggestion to my mind is to try the same preamp that impress... 
Need help. I need recomendations for amp, or amp/preamp
Take a look at a Schiit Ragnarok integrated. 60 watts a channel at 8 ohms and 100 watts at 4, all solid state -- AB, not D amplification. I don't have this model, but have been very impressed with the sound quality of the amps and preamps I've pu... 
Need help. I need recomendations for amp, or amp/preamp
"Cost is an object...." That says nothing about your budget. One person's "cheap" can be another's "too expensive."  Care to set a range in actual dollars?