
Responses from knghifi

Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
05-06-11: Onhwy61Companies can stay competitive in an open market by satisfying pre-existing customer demands and needs.How if not offering new products? Give me an example.Apparently some people don't understand the function of marketing/advertis... 
Pass Labs amps and Avantgarde speakers
Mohano, my brother is using 2 Pass First Watt F3 bi-amping his Avantgarde Unos. 1 for the horns and the other for the sub. 1 amp is sufficient but 2 is a very nice improvement ... more headroom, ease to the music, more detail, open ... XA30.5 SHOU... 
Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
05-02-11: Onhwy61BTW, I'm capable of judging a musical performance without ever having been a symphony conductor. I can hold a valid opinion about our commander in chief without ever having been the President. And yes, I can judge the relative com... 
Tube pre-amp upgrade from Mcintosh C2300
Tube rolling is an option. It might work on Macs, but not too much on ARC and Shindo. Tube rolling is like trying different cables and I am a little tired of changing cables.Yxlei (Threads | Answers | This Thread)Isn't changing preamps the same as... 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
Mribob, VAC warranty is NOT transferrable and one of the reasons I bought mine new. The other is my preamp RARELY shows up on Agon.I spoke with Kevin before rolling any tubes and changing the fuse. He gave me suggestions and offered his opinion. H... 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
Jwm, Recently I replaced a Gold with a Supreme. The Gold is warmer and Supreme is more detail and higher resolution. HiFi Tuning fuse is directional. Facing the fuse holder, I prefer a right to left direction. In the other direction, the sound is ... 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
In my VAC Sig MkIIa preamp, I finally settled on Telefunken 12au7 ribbed plates and Siemen e88cc w/ wide getter support post. The Siemens are my FAVORITE by far. It's very fast, transparent, 3D, great extension, great dynamics ... I'm constantly a... 
a good pre amp with remote usd6000 or less used
03-29-11: Desalvo55Can anyone comment about the TRL Dude?Desalvo55 (Threads | Answers | This Thread)03-29-11: Desalvo55I was asking in the context of this thread, the fore mentioned pre's and the folks commenting here. It seemed relevant to me any... 
Tube Research Labs Latest Dude Preamp
Well said Clio09. I have no dog in this fight or anything against TRL and the only reason I participated in this thread is not understanding the attack on a member for sharing his experience with a company.Yes I agree Glory's apology is both very ... 
Tube Research Labs Latest Dude Preamp
03-26-11: SgrWow, now that is SOTA support and service. Congtratulations and good listening to all involved. Sgr (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)SOTA ... not until after sharing your experience with the WORLD when every options are exhau... 
Tube Research Labs Latest Dude Preamp
Cdente, Congrats!03-25-11: Gallant_divaAs i said "please communicate with TRL and try to be a part of the solution than a problem" but amazingly some guys made personal attacks one me after I said that.With due respect Gallant_diva, you gotta be k... 
Tube Research Labs Dude vs. Shindo Labs preamps
Cdente is aware of the implications in sharing his experiences with the forum/internet. It's uncomfortable for him but has exhausted all his options to remedy the issues with the company and felt it's important to share his experiences with future... 
VAC 440 Statement mono blocks, any opinions
It's amazing there is enough demand for a 58K amp where Kevin can raise the price by 20K and still a 6+ month wait.I heard 2 years ago in the peak of the recession, VAC had their best year. Audiophiles have their priorities straight recession or n... 
VAC 440 Statement mono blocks, any opinions
Fplanner2010, I will be very interested in your comparison between the 300.1 and 450 Statements. Like Dev, I'm also smitten with our preamp and planning to get a VAC amp next fall. 
Anyone else tried the Acoustic Systems Liveline?
03-10-11: JwmIf Pani has an Einstein Preamp their sound is very foward, clean and detailed. I could see why he may not like the ASI. One is blaming the cable when they maybe should be blaming the source.Jwm (Threads | Answers | This Thread)Pani au...