

Responses from jasonbourne71

Made Major Upgrade at $0 Cost in 1 Minute
The sub should only make its presence known occasionally because most music, except for EDM,  doesn't go much below 40 hz.  
Leben CS 600 ( Dumper tube ) Tube rolling
@atmasphere +1 Those old TV damper tubes make good robust rectifiers! They lack slow warmup though! Tube circuits should have the heater voltages applied first and allowed to warm up before being slammed with high B+ voltages.  
SR Master Fuse on preamp
Keep drinking more of that SR KoolAde!   
PayPal imposed draconian security blocks AFTER I sold my unit
I agree! I no longer use PayPal because when I got a new phone and number in March they wouldn't let me access my account without draconian proof of who I am! Required was a screenshot of my State Photo ID card - which was then 7 years old and a s... 
matching pre for Dynaco mk4 monoblocks
The Kenwood C-1 would be a good match, especially at that price! I have one in my collection. An excellent sounding preamp competitive with today's four-figure gear!  
As An Experiment I Stuck A Few Things Under My Pre-Amp And Am Now On A Quest
The JVC DVD player sits on three 2" maple cubes atop a BEL 1001 amp which in turn sits on three 1" maple cubes atop a Sumo Andromeda amp. I like to use wooden cubes between components.  
As An Experiment I Stuck A Few Things Under My Pre-Amp And Am Now On A Quest
I have a heavy single end 6BG6 tube amp sitting on top of a JVC DVD player that I use as a transport for my Khadas KTB DAC. So heavy I have to lift up the front of the tube amp to get the center drawer open to load a CD. Sounded real good listenin... 
Audience Cables
Like wine and whiskey it's all subjective!  
Going to replace my Fluance rt85
For $699 you can get a new Pioneer PLX1000 direct drive TT. I have one in my collection. Herb Reichert gave it a very positive review a few years ago in Stereophile. I doubt you can hear any difference between it and the several times more expensi... 
Phono Stage_Skoll-by Schiit Audio
Good to learn of a quality affordable phono stage! Thanks @quincy ​​!  
Get your brother-in-law a pair of original JBL 100's or the 4312's to match the vintage Sansui amp. The Alpha 907i is a formidable piece!  
Jitter is a non-issue solved decades ago! Present day DAC's and streamers are immune to jitter. No need for re-clocking devices, despite what the neurotically obsessed will claim.  
@mahgister +1! That Alpha 907i from 1987 looks pretty impressive! List price was 260,000 yen, around $2600 dollars. Which one do you have?  
Pictures at an Exhibition
The Reiner/CSO is possibly the best recording of the orchestral version. Lewis Layton recording engineer for this and other Reiner/CSO's. I have the RCA .5 Series half-speed remaster made from the analog tapes.  
Pictures at an Exhibition
I have both! I don't like London squeezing all of Pictures on one side of the LP for both the orchestra and solo piano, each on a side. Dynamic range and bass have to be cut!