
Responses from james633

How Much Do Your Subwoofer(s) Cost Relative to Speakers
My speakers are $11,000 (I paid $6300) my subs are $5000 ($2500 each).    Not sure you can look at it as a ratio as the entry into subs is expensive. For example I would be happy running JBL 590s ($900 a pair now) with my current JL subs but I co... 
Sabrina X Anyone Add Subwoofer(s)
Sadly I don’t know of many subs that have good built in crossovers. wilson audio makes an external one but it is $5k. Their new subs are built in. The JL E-lines is fine as in no loss of detail but super noisy and raises the noise floor. JL-audio ... 
Sabrina X Anyone Add Subwoofer(s)
vonhelmholtz,   What integrated did you get?    If you don’t want to add a highpass crossover (hard with some integrated amps) I would pass on the subs. It will be a phasy mess without one.    Rather than subs making it a little better it will... 
Sabrina X Anyone Add Subwoofer(s)
Yeah the Sabrina with two of Wilson’s new subs would be amazing. They have proper built in highpass crossovers. I would put it up against any of their speakers. Just in concept anyway.    In reality the only difference between the smaller abs lar... 
KEF celebrates sixty years with the LS60 Wireless
The fully active speaker might be better even though the internals are or “lesser” quality. I have been impressed with most good active speakers.    the simplicity would be interesting.   I would be interested to know how the sl60 passes to KC62... 
Sabrina X Anyone Add Subwoofer(s)
Don’t buy the JL E112s. I have two and both have broken a number of times. Using their internal highpass crossover adds a lot of electrical noise to the system (buzz/hum).  I will replace mine with a different brand sooner than later.    Running ... 
Audiophile Speakers for Rock, HipHop and Techno
Do you highpass your subs? If not I would start there.    good speakers are good speaker but stand mounts (passive) just don’t have the dynamic output need in the lower bass and this Is where the high pass comes in.    You need dynamic speakers ... 
KEF celebrates sixty years with the LS60 Wireless
KEF celebrates sixty years with the LS60 Wireless
Looks awesome as a whole.    white paper linked below.       
Mcintosh MA-7900 home theater bypass with subs - not doable?
I don’t own the 7900 but you can do it with an external crossover. You could pull the bars in the back that connect the preamp section to the amp and insert it there. Out of the preamp to the crossover then back into the amp input. From the crosso... 
Honest Experience on Effects of Subwoofer Please
Subs are night and day better for me. They saved me a lot of money because I stopped shopping for larger speakers just to get better bass. My honest and straightforward opinion. Subs without a high pass crossover are a detriment to the music. The... 
Cornwall 4 vs JBL horn under $10,000
Cornwall 4 vs JBL horn under $10,000
Cornwall 4 vs JBL horn under $10,000
There are used JBL 4367s on here for $6500. Never heard them but they measure very good if you care about that kind of thing. I do as I feel good measurements lead to longer enjoyment of things I might have missed during the audition. The driver q... 
Large room with low budget for speakers
Just sit closer to the speakers… Any normal sized speakers will work at 10-12’ away.