
Responses from inna

XLR cables for a reasonable price?
RCA cables also can sound very close to each other, but usually when either they are all very bad or all very good.      
Real or Surreal. Do you throw accuracy out the window for "better" sound?
I never met a music lover who didn’t like good sound too. This of course doesn’t mean that they all became audiophiles, most didn’t. When I asked them why not they didn’t know what to say except for usual nonsense like time, money, space etc. No,... 
All Pre 1970 Vintage speakers suck! Prove me wrong
Of course, Tannoy. Never heard of Klangfilm.  
XLR cables for a reasonable price?
Yes, I heard it from Ralph and some others. Usually, Mogami is what these people use. This is good because you don't have to think much about cables, it can be a real pain, not to mention cost. I only use Wywires Diamond and various Purist cables,... 
XLR cables for a reasonable price?
That's quite remarkable. marco1, do you think it means that the Mogami is so good or that the Cardas is incredibly overpriced? Anyway, by all means please tell us about those amps, how they sound in your system. I remember that you currently don'... 
All Pre 1970 Vintage speakers suck! Prove me wrong
What about vintage speakers from Europe besides Quad ?  
Speakers versus Balance vs Amplifier
My first thought was about room acoustics too.   
Real or Surreal. Do you throw accuracy out the window for "better" sound?
I have not heard of any SS amp unquestionably better than top Boulder.  If I win a lottery I won't give anyone a cent. Even less likely will I subsidize any school. They will learn nothing there, anyway, waist of time and effort. I will buy Berli... 
Real or Surreal. Do you throw accuracy out the window for "better" sound?
frogman, you are a musician, so you got almost everything wrong. Music is first of all mathematics not art in a usual sense. There is no music without sound. Sound is the foundation. Silence also sounds. Neither sound is in the service of music ... 
Is Van den Hul Frog Gold a good choice for my rig?
I am no expert, cannot make a serious recommendation. But you have a great turntable that certainly needs both excellent cartridge and phono stage. Besides, I strongly prefer tube equipment, so I am biased in this respect, and even more so I pref... 
Is Van den Hul Frog Gold a good choice for my rig?
I wouldn't spend that much on cartridge straight away. $3600 cartridge requires $7000 phono stage. I would first get good MM or MI cartridge and go from there if I have to. Phono preamp is more important than cartridge and turntable/tonearm more i... 
Tube Preamps Should Have This Feature
Agree, In my limited experience SS requires longer warm-up time to sound best.  I turn my Avatar on once a day and turn it off once a day, with rare exceptions. I don't like burning tubes for nothing but it appears that I do it. I feel better abo... 
Thank You Fumihiko Sugano and Koetsu
When even top cartridges sound so different, which one is more correct? Tape is correct. More or less.  
Tube Preamps Should Have This Feature
mulveling, I thought tubes didn't like on/off cycles.  I wait for 30-45 minutes after turn on. Do I hear a difference ? YES !  First ten minutes is no go, after that you can go but better wait a little longer. Tubes or capacitors or both, it's ex... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
Speaking of bass and guitar players, with tubes you can tune and fine tune the sound by tube rolling. And with SS, any class ? Ralph, you don't deny that with either tubes or transistors there is not much room left for big improvement. As you say...