
Discussions hawk28 has started

Musical Fidelity a300 Integratedvs a308 Integrated55012
Cary SLP 033072928
Pure i-20 with or without outboard DAC43146
Pass designed Preamps compared to Tube Preamps20990
Inside the Nola Viper IIa27752
HT Bypass necessary?46197
Solid State to Tubes and Back Again795623
Nola Blue Thunder Cables35542
Feet/platform for Nola Vipers speakers24041
Alon/Nola sound1476325
Manley Shrimp and Rogue Perseus44082
Primare a.30.1 i30 vs YBA YA201 vs MF A543060
Nola Viper Owners, Lend Me Your Amps1122019
Musical Fidelity A3cr Pre compared to Tubes1015712
Stereophile Class Recommendations for Cambridge52757